Grand Chase Wiki
Dimensional Chaser
Violet Mage
Evo R IconHero-Arme-6
Grand Mage
Evo R IconHero-Arme-Limit
Elemental Master
Evo R IconHero-Arme-Hyper
Majesty Magi
Evo R


"Violet Mage guild's genius Magician."

Main Info

  • Name: Arme Glenstid
  • Age: 17 (Twelve Disciples), 19 (Dimensional Chaser)
  • Hobbies: Collecting enchanted stuff
  • Likes: Magical research, the smell of old paper[1]
  • Dislikes: Interference with her magic research, being treated like a child
  • Weakness: Spicy foods[1], tall bookcases[1]

Arme was called the cursed child due to all the destruction she would leave around the village. She had been born with a magic power that was beyond her control and in the end, her parents, who could no longer handle it, left her at the steps of the Violet Mage Guild. 

At a young age, she had realized that she didn't have parents, but because she had received love from all the teachers and Grand Mages that she still grew up to be a bright and cheerful child. 

Many thought Arme was lazy because of her genius talents, but the truth was that she worked very hard. Due to the tremendous magic power that she has, she wasn't able to control it precisely because of her young age. 

In the Kingdom Year 1459, the Grand Mage received a letter from Queen Serdin's couriers, and the next morning, Arme was off to form a team to pursue the culprit of the Kingdom War, Kaze'aze. It was on this day that she met the two girls, Elesis and Lire, in Trial Forest that would change her fate forever.


  • Cost: 1300 Gems

A bell rang.

The students closed their books and started to get off their desks. The only one who didn't finish up was Arme.

"Wait, there's an assignment you must complete before..."

"Hey, let's go get food."

The students ignored Arme and continued to leave but some of them felt bad and glanced back at Arme but still left in a hurry.

"H-Hey, can we do this?"

"Who cares, it's lunchtime so we're getting lunch."

"That's true, it's her fault for not finishing the class in time."

"But that professor also graduated from the Violet Mage Academy... She's technically what we would become."

The world's greatest mage institute was named Violet Mage Academy.

The students that attend this academy could be considered the elites of the mage world. However, because of that, their pride stopped them from respecting Arme.

"She took the same course as us but she's still a Time Instructor! How bad of a mage was she to remain as a Time Instructor? Don't worry about it, she won't have any impact on our grades, we should worry about 'real professors'."


As the students were exchanging their opinion, a large explosion was heard and created a commotion. In the middle of the explosion, a few students were screaming and running away.

"A magic accident, run!"

"The summoned monsters lost control and are on a rampage!"

The students quickly got out but some students remained. They were so-called elites.

"Monsters? We can just slay them!"

『Shining Arrow!』

The first student created an arrow of light and fired but the monster took the hit and didn't even flinch. The second student clicked his tongue and took out his staff.

"You stupid, and you call yourself a Violet Mage? Summoned monsters have a slight chance to have very high magic resistance. Monsters like those require a physical attack, like this!"

『Earth Wave!』

Rocks and sand, shooting out of the ground, launched towards the monster. However, there was one thing the second student forgot, not only do they acquire high magic resistance but also the ability to sense magic.

The monster sensed the spell and rolled out of the spell only to charge toward the students. The students did not expect such a quick movement from the monster and started to panic.



The students hit by the monster's large claw were knocked down to the ground. If a professor didn't appear just in time to save them, they would have been dead.

"Who said a student could engage in combat?"

"Uuah... I'm sorry, professor..."

"If you have time to apologize, quickly run and get Professor Arme, hurry!"

"P-Professor Arme?"

The students were dumbfounded as the name of a Time Instructor was called. Why would they need a Time Instructor's help at this dire moment?

"Yes, Professor Arme. She's the most experienced in situations like this."

"No need, I am already here!"

『Blizzard Storm!』

Arme quickly cast her spell of Blizzard Storm as soon as she appeared but that wasn't the shocking part. The Blizzard Storm spell was only affecting a single monster. How could that be when the Blizzard Storm spell is designed to affect a large area?

The students were in shock as they have never even heard of a way to control and change a spell in the way Arme is doing right now.

Not only that, but a summoned monster that has an incredibly high magic defense was also already frozen solid from the spell. The monster was dealt with in seconds even though the so-called elites almost lost their life by engaging.

The professor sighed with relief from Arme's spell.

"Sigh, as expected of Grand Chase."

"G-Grand Chase? The legendary band of heroes?"

"That's right, she is Arme Glenstid of Grand Chase."

The students' jaw dropped as the way she quickly cast the spell, controlled the range of a spell, and sheer power of shred through high magic resistance was proof enough. Arme was a member of Grand Chase.

"Is anyone hurt?"

"We're fine, Professor Arme!"

The sudden change in the students' attitude made Arme tilt her head in confusion as the professor behind Arme smiled faintly.

  • Cost: 1300 Gems

Lire looked around her. Arme's kiosk was nowhere to be found. Luckily, an owner from a different kiosk answered her question.

"Arme? I don't know. I haven't seen her for a few days."

"Did she close the kiosk?"

"No. She told me not to let anyone take her spot. Maybe she's in her studio thinking about new designs?"

"Maybe. Thank you."

Arme is an accessory designer. She stays up all night if she can't think of a new design. That was how she satisfied herself. So Lire thought the neighboring kiosk owner was correct.

Luckily, Lire knew of Arme's studio. She said she uses her school's empty room as her studio. Lire felt awkward going to a school that she doesn't even attend.

Stomp Stomp.

Her footsteps echoed across a dark hallway. She looked back a few times. She walked across the hallway to find a dark studio. No. Her curtain was blocking every light that was coming from the studio.

"Arme, are you there?"

"Huh? Lire?"

Arme answered. Lire opened the door after hearing that Arme was inside. As soon as she opened the door, a strong paint smell greeted her. Lire got dizzy and stumble after smelling the paint.

Arme was surprised and put her arm around Lire.

"Are you okay, Lire?"

"Ahh. Arme, I think you need to open the window."

"Oh, yes! Please wait."

Arme told Lire where to sit and she walked around her messy studio to open the window. Lire was able to breathe again.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it. I was just dizzy for a second."

"I'm sorry. I should've opened the window before you came."

"No. I didn't tell you I was coming."

"Why are you here? What if I was at the kiosk?"

"I came here because you weren't at the kiosk."

Lire and Arme have known each other for a long time. They went to different schools and didn't live in the same neighborhood. Although there is no connection between them, they have been friends since they were little. These two along with another friend met at least once a month.

It was unlike Lire to visit friends without notice. But since Arme knew the reason, she didn't ask. Instead, she picked up her bass and started to play.

Lire looked at her with big round eyes and Arme smiled.

"I started a few days ago. Instruments are harder to play than I thought."

"I didn't know you were interested in instruments!"

"I was interested. I just didn't have an opportunity."

"So you are saying you found the opportunity?"

"Yes, I guess?"

After talking for a while, Lire went home. Arme called Ryan after watching Lire.

"Hello, did your store close? Can you bring me a nice keyboard for our lesson today? What? No, I didn't give up my bass!"

Squeak Squeak.

After putting Ryan on the speakerphone, Arme erased everything from her whiteboard and started to draw something. It was a band with a guitar, bass, and keyboard. Arme wrote 'Rhythm Chase' on top and smiled.

"Yes! Don't forget to bring it!"


Girl Blessed With Magical Power

Grand Mage was certain. Arme is blessed with magical powers...

Armek Arme: Depending on the person, it's called the curse of magical power.

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 1 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.0

Armek Arme: Curse... I don't think so!

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Annihilation' Rank 1 or higher
  • Defeat 'Mage' boss in 'Adventure' dungeon 20 times with Arme and recommended BP 80,000 or higher


Likability Arme 01

Armek Arme: Wow, everything is Arme's!
Grand Mage: Right. All of them have been Arme's friends since the day she was born. Say hi.
Armek Arme: Friend! Arme's friend! Um. It's confusing because they all look similar!
Grand Mage: Hahaha, I see. Why don't you name it?
Armek Arme: But... What if it doesn't like the name I gave him?
Grand Mage: Do you not like the name I gave you, Arme?
Armek Arme: No! Love it!
Grand Mage: Thank you. Same for Arme's friends. Everyone will like the name you give them.

Armek Arme: Hehehe. Yes! The name of this shiny thing is...

Genius Magician?

Everyone said Magicians can't control their power.

Armek Arme: The classroom got destroyed by fire.

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 2 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.1

Armek Arme: Alright! It's the perfect ratio!

Mission Requirements

  • In 'Adventure' dungeon, use Arme's 'Meteor' skill 60 times or more
  • Defeat the 'Healer' boss in the 'Adventure' dungeon 30 times with Arme and recommended BP 130,000 or higher

Violet Mage Teacher: Arme? Didn't I say not to touch the staff?
Armek Arme: I was told not to touch it. But Teacher! I can control magic now!
Violet Mage Teacher: Nonsense. Your magical power isn't something you can control now. Did you forget how you set the classroom on fire last time? Your magical power might explode so you have to be careful...
Armek Arme: I will show you!

(Arme channels power)

Violet Mage Teacher: N-No! Wait...
Armek Arme: The spirit of fire and water, the energy of the earth. Please give me strength!

(Arme conjures a small flame on the ground)

Armek Arme: Yay! Success!
Violet Mage Teacher: Are you saying... you might not be successful?
Armek Arme: Does it matter when I succeeded?
Violet Mage Teacher: You troublemaker. You almost created a big fire again. But why is your spell so long? When you use fire magic, just call fire spirit. Wait... in this small flame... There's fire, wind, sand, and water spirits! Using all four elements at once! How did you use it?
Armek Arme: Well...
Armek Arme: Um, I tried many things to receive help from other spirits to put out the fire...
Armek Arme: And this is what happened.
Violet Mage Teacher: Since you couldn't control your balanced the power of the spirits? This is more like a cooking recipe.
Armek Arme: I did control it regardless of the method.

(Stellar gets agitated)

Violet Mage Teacher: If you make a simple magic into something this complicated... I am worried about what you are going to do with other magic. Using a stupid way... No, is it a genius way since she used the powers of all the elements at once?
Armek Arme: It's better to be called a genius rather than a fool!

Armek Arme: A genius thinks in a different way. Violet Mage's genius Magician! Arme Glenstid!!

I Will Make You Acknowledge Me!

I thought I did the right thing, but Elesis who is looking back doesn't look satisfied.

Armek Arme: Sigh, so arrogant!

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 3 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.2

Armek Arme: Let's see how long you can ignore me!

Mission Requirements

  • Challenge 'Dimensional Boss' 30 times with Arme
  • Achieve 100,000,000 accumulated damage to 'Dimensional Boss' with Arme

Armek Arme: Did my magic help?
Elesisk Elesis: Why are you in front? You are just a Magician...
Armek Arme: What! How can you say that when you received my help?
Elesisk Elesis: I don't remember receiving help from you. We aren't here to have fun.
Elesisk Elesis: If you can't focus... Why don't you go back to Serdin?

Lirek Lire: Elesis is just worried about you Arme.
Armek Arme: How is that worrying about me? She is ignoring me! How can she say that?
Armek Arme: I don't think I can ever be friends with Elesis!
Lirek Lire: Haha, really? I think... you guys will get along.
Armek Arme: I'm not joking, Lire!

Kaze'aze: You guys are very annoying. When are you going to stop disrupting me?
Elesisk Elesis: Kaze'aze! I will not let you go this time!
Kaze'aze: Hm, you guys are too weak! Why don't you try to fight me after some practice?

(Arme casts Blizzard Storm on the Dark Anmon Guards)

Armek Arme: Right now, Elesis!
Elesisk Elesis: Good!
Kaze'aze: Huh?

(Kaze'aze evades Elesis' Critical X)

Armek Arme: Ha, I already knew she was going to get out this way!

(Arme casts Planet Impact as Kaze'aze teleports away)

Armek Arme: What do you think? I don't think I made any mistakes.
Armek Arme: What are you going to point out this time?
Elesisk Elesis: ......You fixed what I pointed out... And you predicted the opponent's movement!
Armek Arme: What?
Elesisk Elesis: I can trust you now.
Armek Arme: W-Why are you complimenting me? Hm! Of course!
Armek Arme: I am Violet Mage's genius Magician Arme Glenstid! Well, your skills were great too!

(Arme laughs)

Lirek Lire: Kids get along by arguing.
Armek Arme: Huh? Lire, what did you say?

Lirek Lire: Nothing. It's good to see you guys get along.

With Friends!

The thrill of my first adventure is making my heart beat.

Armek Arme: What kind of new adventures will be waiting for me?

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 4 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.3

Armek Arme: I'm happy to be with you guys!

Mission Requirements

  • Send 'Adventurer's Mark' 80 times
  • In 'Adventure' dungeon, use Arme's 'Blizzard Storm' skill 120 times or more

Lirek Lire: Arme, you always look so happy.
Armek Arme: Yes! Of course. I love this adventure.
Elesisk Elesis: We are not on a simple adventure.
Armek Arme: I know. We received missions from Queen Serdin. But!
Armek Arme: I can't calm down my beating heart. It's my first time playing with friends my age.
Lirek Lire: Aren't you from Violet Mage Academy? You didn't have friends your age?
Armek Arme: Although it's a magical kingdom, it's rare to find talent when you are young.
Armek Arme: Everyone at Violet Mage Academy was older than me. The only ones who played with me were the Grand Mage grandfather and the teachers. Everyone was nice...
Armek Arme: But I wanted to have friends!
Lirek Lire: I know what you are talking about. I have a friend in my hometown.
Lirek Lire: Friends are really important. Right, Elesis?
Elesisk Elesis: Hm? Well... yeah.
Armek Arme: Do you have friends in your hometown, Elesis?
Elesisk Elesis: Of course. I have a friend who is always fussy...
Elesisk Elesis: And a friend who makes swords for me.
Armek Arme: I'm jealous! Everyone has friends!
Elesisk Elesis: Is that something to be jealous about? You have friends in front of you.
Armek Arme: Sometimes Elesis says words that make me cringe.
Elesisk Elesis: Hm. Was it... weird?

Lirek Lire: No. You are right. You guys are the first friends I made outside of my hometown.

Spirits Don't Listen

First step of Element Magic! Communicate with the spirits!

Armek Arme: Communicating with spirits is hard for me too.

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 5 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.4

Armek Arme: Is it necessary to gain their favor?

Mission Requirements

  • In the 'Adventure' dungeon, use Arme's 'Meteor' skill 250 times or more
  • Clear 'Dimensional Chasm' Rank 1 or higher

Armek Arme: Cindy, is flame magic your specialty?
Cindyk Cindy: I'm not really good...
Cindyk Cindy: But Grandiel said I have a good synergy with the spirit of fire.
Cindyk Cindy: So I studied mainly flame magic.
Cindyk Cindy: But I'm not sure if I have a good synergy with the spirit of fire.
Cindyk Cindy: It's too hard to understand spirits.
Lirek Lire: Talk to the spirits as much as you can. You will be able to feel spirits around you.

(Cindy panics)

Cindyk Cindy: I'm not sure. It's too hard with just one spirit of fire...
Cindyk Cindy: Arme, how do you communicate with so many spirits?
Armek Arme: It's a misunderstanding. To be honest, I'm not really close to spirits.
Armek Arme: It's hard to understand when one is talking to me...
Armek Arme: I can't understand when they are all talking at once.
Cindyk Cindy: Aren't they surrounding you because they are close to you?
Armek Arme: I think they are just attracted to my magical power.
Cindyk Cindy: Magicians are all about magical powers...
Armek Arme: You don't need to be jealous. They just bother me and they don't listen to me.
Armek Arme: They are very annoying.

(Lire gets annoyed)

Lirek Lire: No. Spirits are always listening to Arme.
Lirek Lire: You can use magic because they respond to you.
Armek Arme: Well, that's true...
Lirek Lire: I bet you are driving them nuts because you can't understand them.
Armek Arme: Ekk. Spirits were listening to me, and I wasn't listening to the spirits?
Lirek Lire: You need to listen to the spirits. Now, follow me. Close your eyes...
Lirek Lire: And try to listen to the voice of each spirit.
Armek Arme: Um... L-Like this?

(Arme panics)

Hospital Visit

Friends visit Arme who is in the hospital!

Armek Arme: The doctor said to rest...

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 6 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.5

Armek Arme: Thanks for worrying but...

Mission Requirements

  • Acquire 6★ in 'Guild War'
  • Clear 'Adventure' dungeon 70 times with Arme and recommended BP 270,000 or higher

Elesisk Elesis: Arme, are you okay?
Lirek Lire: You overworked yourself by wanting to get closer to spirits.
Armek Arme: Ugh. I'm cold but hot.
Elesisk Elesis: I think you have a cold...
Armek Arme: I think I got better because you guys came to see me. Thanks for coming.

(Elesis overhears something nearby)

Elesisk Elesis: Other friends are here.

Sieghartk Sieghart: Huh? Are you really sick?
Lassk Lass: Did you think she was faking it?
Sieghartk Sieghart: No, but I didn't think she was this sick. She's healthy all the time.
Lassk Lass: That's true.
Armek Arme: What are you saying? I don't think it's a compliment.
Ronank Ronan: Lay down. You need to rest. Mari will make medicine for you so rest.
Whok ???: Arme, are you home?
Armek Arme: Ouch, my head is throbbing. Who's yelling outside?
Lirek Lire: Oh... it sounds like Ryan.

Ryank Ryan: Arme! Are you sick?
Armek Arme: I will get better once you lower your voice...
Ryank Ryan: Don't worry! You'll get better once you drink this.
Armek Arme: This... is this Mandragora's root? Something doesn't feel right...
Whok ???: Who stole my root!!!

(Mandragora appears)

Mandragorak Mandragora: You unbelievable elf!
Mandragorak Mandragora: How dare you steal my root from my Mandragora root farm!!
Ryank Ryan: Huh? Was it a farm? But Kyle said there's no owner...
Mandragorak Mandragora: Dig the ground! This doesn't appear everywhere!

Armek Arme: My head hurts... Argue outside~!

Truth of Almong?

Why is Almong approaching Arme?

Armek Arme: Huh? Suspicious? It's just really cute!

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 1 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.6

Armek Arme: Squishy squishy!

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Wizard's Labyrinth' 4 times
  • Defeat 'Assault' boss in 'Adventure' dungeon 80 times with Arme and recommended BP 345,000 or higher

(Almong meets up with Elion and Reruby)

Almong: Thank you for your cooperation. Mong! So Arme thinks I'm just a normal pet. Sometimes she pinches my cheek and doesn't let go. But it's because I'm too soft. Mong! I am actually... Violet Mage's Magician~! I help Arme secretly!

(Almong gets annoyed as Elion stares blankly)

Almong: What do you mean you can't trust me? Feel my magical power! Don't doubt!

(Reruby watches in silence)

Almong: Was it similar to Arme's magical power? Of course! I am from Arme's magical power! I am like Arme's guardian angel! Mong!

(Elion and Reruby exchange looks)

Almong: No! I wasn't created accidentally! Our relationship is inevitable! Watch me protect Arme! This Almong will protect Arme Mong!

A Great Magician!

Correlation between education and a great Magician.

Armek Arme: There is a saying that education is a plan that spans over hundreds of years.

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 2 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.7

Armek Arme: In order to bear fruit, you have to polish the process.

Mission Requirements

Marik Mari: Why don't we reschedule our plans?
Marik Mari: Push back the Week 4 lesson and review lessons up to Week 3.
Armek Arme: Alright.
Armek Arme: There's no point in going forward when they can't understand previous lessons.
Armek Arme: Thanks, Mari! Thank you for helping me with my lessons.
Marik Mari: You're welcome. I can't help you more.
Marik Mari: It's up to you to decide how you are going to teach.
Armek Arme: Ugh... You're making me feel uncomfortable...
Marik Mari: You'll be fine. But, Arme who wanted to be a great Magician is teaching...
Marik Mari: Did your goal change?
Armek Arme: No. That's still my goal. Violet Mage is the best Magician group.
Armek Arme: And the best Magician academy. Violet Mage is the best because of this.
Armek Arme: Magical research handed down over many generations leads to great results.
Armek Arme: And it is passed down to the next generation.
Marik Mari: I see. Kounat's magic technology was able to develop from accumulating technology and knowledge. I guess it's similar.
Armek Arme: Yes! If unfinished research gets buried as is or doesn't pass down the achievement to the next generation, magic will never develop.
Armek Arme: A true Magician thinks about how to pass it down to the next generation!
Armek Arme: I will receive Violet Mage Magicians' research... And become a great Magician!
Armek Arme: Students should feel honored to be in my class.
Armek Arme: They get to learn from a genius Magician like me!
Marik Mari: I should research more to pass it down to the future generation!
Marik Mari: Let's all work hard!

Armek Arme: Yes! Let's work hard!

The Bond of Faith

We become one when a crisis comes!

Armek Arme: Something will start happening from now.

Unlock Requirements

  • Arme 3 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Arme 'Likability' Lv.8

Armek Arme: Buy some time!

Mission Requirements

  • Achieve 'Guild Boss' accumulated damage 300,000,000
  • Clear 'Annihilation' Rank 1 or higher


Likability Arme 02

She lowered her staff while catching her breath. It was just for a while, but the battle line was noticeably pushed back. Everyone noticed the change as Arme's magic stopped.

Elesisk Elesis: Arme! What's wrong?
Armek Arme: Something will start happening. Buy some time!
Armek Arme: Spirit of fire, respond to my calling!

Arme closed her eyes and focused on the spell. She didn't need to listen to their response. Friends who were about to collapse... They defended their position to buy Arme some time. The faith that they will buy some time, and the faith that Arme will be successful. Faith and faith. This strong relationship was making everyone into one. Although she has her eyes closed, although she is focused on the spell, she can feel her friends move around her. Done! Arme's eyes met with Elesis as if she knew when she was going to open her eyes.

Elesisk Elesis: Now!

There was no hesitation. Elesis said now!

Armek Arme: Planet Impact!!!

Violet Mage Staff


The greatest staff of the Violet Mage.

"I hope one of you could wield this staff in the future."

The Grand Mage muttered the phrase as he was showing the Violet Mage Staff to all the students. This staff does not possess any special powers. It only increases the power of the wielder and their potential. That is why this staff becomes more powerful as a more talented mage wields it.

"I think you will need this."

Before Arme left from a secret mission from Queen Serdin, the Grand Mage handed Arme the staff. Out of countless students, it was Arme that ended up wielding the staff. Perhaps this staff is the most fitting as Arme never stops becoming stronger.

  • Magical Attack: 1400
  • Physical Defense: 250
  • Magic Defense: 370
  • Max Health: 1770


  • Shop: Can be purchased in Guild Point Shop.
  • Fusing Heroes: Acquire randomly through Hero Fusion.
  • Treasure Chest: Can be acquired from Diamond Chest.
  • Shop: Can be acquired from Summon Shop.


IconHero-Arme-6 Max Health Magic Attack Physical Defense Magic Defense
Base 5775 4580 816 1215
+12 8959 7105 1266 1884
Max 14335 11368 2026 3015


TIP: You can upgrade a skill every time the Hero achieves Breakthrough. 'Special' skills cannot be enhanced. To acquire the 'Chaser' skill, unlock the Hero's Chaser System.

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Arme-Meteor Meteor 2 15 sec(s) "Summon many meteors to attack"

In a wide range, meteors are summoned to deal 418.2% of magic damage and for 5 seconds enemies will burn and be dealt up to 111.6% of maximum magic attack damage over time.

Arme-Blizzard Storm Blizzard Storm 1 15 sec(s) "Call forth a Blizzard that slows enemies"

In the targeted location, Arme will cause a Blizzard that will deal up to 120% of maximum magic attack damage over time for 10 seconds. Enemies enveloped by the Blizzard will have their movement/attack speed reduced up to 80% and the basic/skill attack damage they receive will increase by 30%.

Arme-Planet Impact Planet Impact 40 60 sec(s) "Summon a massive meteor that causes great damage"

Summon a large meteor from the atmosphere to deal with 3,383% of magic attack damage to enemies.

Arme-Shock Wave Pulse Shockwave Force N/A N/A "Deal additional damage to enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm'"

If Arme attacks enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', there is a 15% chance to activate 'Shockwave Force' to deal an additional 180% of magic attack damage.

('Blizzard Storm' does not activate 'Shockwave Force')

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Arme-LB-Meteor Meteor 2 15 sec(s) "Summon a large meteor to attack"

In a wide range, a giant meteor is summoned to deal 418.2% of magic damage and activate 'Shockwave Force' for up to 6 maximum targets hit with 100% chance, and for 5 seconds enemies will burn and be dealt up to 272% of maximum magic attack damage over time. If it critically hits, the damage is increased by 2.3 times.

Arme-LB-Blizzard Storm Blizzard Storm 1 15 sec(s) "Call forth a Blizzard that slows enemies"

In the targeted location, Arme will cause a Blizzard that will deal up to 120% of maximum magic attack damage over time for 10 seconds. Enemies enveloped by the Blizzard will have their movement/attack speed reduced up to 80% and the basic/skill attack damage they receive will increase by 30%. If enemies inside the Blizzard receive the debuff 8 stacks or higher, each 'Blizzard Storm' tick will have a 20% chance to cause the enemy to freeze for 3 seconds and they will become unable to move or act.

Arme-LB-Shock Wave Pulse Shockwave Force N/A N/A "Deal additional damage to enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm'"

If Arme attacks enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', there is a 15% chance to activate 'Shockwave Force' to deal an additional 216% of magic attack damage and bounce randomly to nearby enemies (max 6) to deal damage.

('Blizzard Storm' does not activate 'Shockwave Force')

Chaser Skill

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL1 Lightning Bolt "Pour a large amount of electricity to attack the enemy"

Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 1,440%.

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Arme 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 1,684.8%.

LVL 2 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 1,922.4%.

LVL 3 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 2,160.0%.

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Lightning Bolt' LVL 1 When 'Lightning Bolt' hits enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', it will cause 'Shockwave Force' at a 30% chance.
Requires 'Lightning Bolt' LVL 2 Around the first enemy that was hit, max 6 lightning bolts expand in a fan-shape to deal a magic attack of 204% in the area of effect. When 'Lightning Bolt' hits enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', it will cause 'Shockwave Force' at a 30% chance.

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL1 Lightning Bolt "Pour a large amount of electricity to attack the enemy"

Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 360%.

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Arme 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 421.2%.

LVL 2 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 480.6%.

LVL 3 Every 3rd skill fires ice crystal automatically. Ice crystal causes an ice explosion that deals with magical damage of 120% in the area of effect and gives the 'Blizzard Storm' effect for 5 seconds at the same time.

(This effect can be stacked with the 'Blizzard Storm' effect)

[Active Effect]
Pour a large amount of electricity in a designated location for 1.5 seconds to deal magic attack of 540.0%.

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Lightning Bolt-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Lightning Bolt' LVL 1 When 'Lightning Bolt' hits enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', it will cause 'Shockwave Force' at a 30% chance.
Requires 'Lightning Bolt' LVL 2 Around the first enemy that was hit, max 6 lightning bolts expand in a fan-shape to deal a magic attack of 51% in the area of effect. When 'Lightning Bolt' hits enemies slowed down by 'Blizzard Storm', it will cause 'Shockwave Force' at a 30% chance.

Soul Imprint

For all the common Soul Imprint traits, see Soul Imprint System.


5★ 6★ Breakthrough
Violet Mage Arme Grand Mage Arme Elemental Master Arme
Violet Mage
바이올렛 메이지
Grand Mage
그랜드 메이지
Elemental Master
엘리멘탈 마스터
Base Evostone-Magex60 'Transcendence' x3

Recommended Sets

Color Name 2 set is equipped 4 set is equipped
Set-blue Power of Anger Skill Cooldown Reduction 4.00% When using skills, acquire 'Power of Anger' effect.

(Can stack up to 10 times)

[Power of Anger]
For each stack, Attack Damage increases by 2%, and Damage Received reduces by 2%.

Color Name 2 set is equipped 4 set is equipped
Set-orange Dagger of Passion Skill Attack Damage Increase 10.00% When using skills, acquire 'Dagger of Passion' effect.

(Can stack up to 10 times)

[Dagger of Passion]
Crit Chance increased by 2% per stack.

Recommended Accessories

2 Critical Chance Increase + 1 Skill Cooldown Reduction
2 Skill Cooldown Reduction + 1 Critical Chance Increase
Accessory Name Description Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Ring-sun Solar Ring Increase critical chance. 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% 3.20% 4.00%
Necklace-lava Lava Necklace Increase critical chance. 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% 3.20% 4.00%
Necklace-discipline Chasm Necklace Skill cooldown reduction. 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% 3.20% 4.00%
Earrings-order Earrings of Order Skill cooldown reduction. 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% 3.20% 4.00%

Recommended Traits

Critical Chance Increase + Skill Cooldown Reduction + Skill Damage Increase
Trait-CritChance Trait-SkillCooldownReduction Trait-SkillAttackDamageIncrease
LVL 4/5 LVL 4/5 LVL 4/5

DISCLAIMER: These sets of equipment are purely based on the varying opinions in the Grand Chase community. Recommendations will always change as the game expands. This section only serves as a model for others to consider and players are encouraged to customize their build.


Aernas' Heroes
With their power and bravery, the Heroes of Aernas never lost hope. Their stories have yet to end.
6★ Mari
6★ Ronan
6★ Arme
6★ Lass
6★ Ryan
6★ Sieghart
Completion Reward: Gemsx1500

The First 3
Trial Forest in the Serdin Kingdom. That is where the legend began.
6★ Elesis
6★ Lire
6★ Arme
Completion Reward: Gemsx750


  • In Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser, Arme was given a new Korean voice actress.
  • Violet Mage's design is based on Arme's base job Magician from the original game.
  • Elemental Master's design is based on Arme's fourth job Battle Mage from the original game.
    • Meanwhile, the spirits are inspired by Warlock's Salamander and Undine.
  • Warlock is Arme's third job in the original game.
    • Long before its release on November 12, the avatar was first seen in a promotional poster for the 1st Anniversary update.
    • Arme's appearance in the first CG art from her Likability resembles the early design of Warlock in the original game.
  • Arme's pet Almong was accidentally created from her magical power. The only other pet confirmed to be created by a Grand Chase member is T-CON who was built by Mari.
  • Time Instructor's story seems to take place in the future where Arme became a professor.


  • Meteor is based on Magician's eponymous skill in the original game.
  • Blizzard Storm is based on Warlock's Blizzard skill in the original game.
  • Planet Impact is based on Battle Mage's The End skill in the original game.


Main article: Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser/Gallery





  • "Heh! Nice to meet you! I'm Arme."
  • "Arme... Fully recharged!"
  • "How do I look today? What? Same as usual?"
  • "Who cares... There's always tomorrow. Cheer up!"
  • "It's too bad. I'm just too cute..."
  • "Hey~ You're looking good today!"
  • "Honestly... My heart is beating like crazy~"
  • "I wonder if grandfather is doing okay."
  • "I think this item is filled with magic. I wonder what kind of magic it is."
  • "What's wrong? Not feeling good?"
  • "Sorry... I didn't know it would be like this."
  • "I didn't think about it too seriously."
  • "Stupid... Idiot..."
  • "You don't even know how other people feel..."
  • "Aw... You have me. Why would you need anyone else?"
  • "I don't think it will work even if you try."
  • "Honestly... You aren't even that good..."
  • "Oh my, sorry. I thought I was saying it to myself..."
  • "Study magic? I'm a genius. I don't have things like that."
  • "Just trust the genius Magician Arme!"
  • "I said I'm not mad!"
  • "How could I not be mad?"
  • "What are you saying? Why didn't you just say that in the first place?"
  • "Oh ho... Now you're just saying whatever you want..."
  • "Did you just call me a child... Do you even know how old I am?"
  • "Whose fault do you think it is!"
  • "What do you mean by that? I have lots of friends!"
  • "I'm telling you... I have LOTS of friends."
  • "I told you I can't eat anything spicy!"
  • "Idiot! I didn't mean you should stop..."
  • "Why do you people keep salting the wounds..."
  • "All right fine! I don't have friends! So what?"
  • "I don't think that's right."
  • "Mm... Maybe you should just give up?"
  • "Well, good luck. I won't stop you or anything."
  • "Really? You're giving me this?"
  • "Eh... Even if you say that NOW…"
  • "Is that... true?"
  • "I can hear my heart beating when I open an old book for the first time~"
  • "The very very cute Arme has appeared!"
  • "You can just honestly tell me that I'm cute."
  • "Right? Everyone thinks I'm cute!"

  • "All right. Let's get started!"
  • "Let's do this!"
  • "OK! We're good to go!"
  • "With a little bit of focus, nothing is difficult."
  • "Arme here!"
  • "Ugh, you don't know how I feel!" (with Elesis in the same party)
  • "I've read it all! I told you I can master them!" (with Elesis in the same party)
  • "I'm not the one who started it, right?" (with Lire in the same party)
  • "I have a new idea!" (with Lire in the same party)

  • "I don't think there should be any big issues."
  • "There isn't much left! Just a little bit more!"
  • "Hehe~ I feel like something good will happen today!"

  • "If you woke up early, you should play with me!"
  • "If you're sleepy, maybe you should take a walk!"
  • "You're going to sleep already? Why don't you play with me just a bit longer!"

  • "You're back! Good to see you!"
  • "Merry Christmas!"
  • "Happy New Year!"

Speech Balloons

  • "Aw... Don't worry! As I said, I'm a genius Magician..."
  • "Eh... This much is normal."
  • "I can become stronger through upgrading!"
  • "I can become stronger through evolution!"
  • "I can become stronger through awakening!"
  • "Arme can become stronger with Prestige!"
  • "Arme can become stronger by selecting a Trait!"
  • "Arme can become stronger with Transcendence Awakening!"
  • "Arme can become stronger with Limit Break!"



Rank-SS Tier SR
ATTR-Life Elesis
ATTR-Life Lire
ATTR-Hellfire Arme
ATTR-Judgment Lass
ATTR-Judgment Ryan
ATTR-Hellfire Ronan
ATTR-Judgment Amy
ATTR-Judgment Jin
ATTR-Cycles Sieghart
ATTR-Life Mari
ATTR-Destruction Dio
ATTR-Destruction Zero
ATTR-Life Ley
ATTR-Judgment Rufus
ATTR-Cycles Rin
ATTR-Life Asin
ATTR-Cycles Lime
ATTR-Hellfire Edel
ATTR-Judgment Veigas
ATTR-Destruction Decanee
ATTR-Cycles Ai
ATTR-Hellfire Serdin
ATTR-Hellfire Kanavan
ATTR-Life Werner
ATTR-Judgment Arsad
ATTR-Life Gaian
ATTR-Life Grandiel
ATTR-Destruction Nelia
ATTR-Hellfire Io
ATTR-Destruction Hwarin
ATTR-Cycles Europa
ATTR-Life Tia
ATTR-Life Lapis
ATTR-Cycles Harpe
ATTR-Life Callisto
ATTR-Hellfire Cindy
ATTR-Cycles Ragnar
ATTR-Cycles Myst
ATTR-Hellfire Ganymede
ATTR-Hellfire Sol
ATTR-Life Mayden
ATTR-Hellfire Elesis
ATTR-Destruction Bastet
ATTR-Life Bram