Grand Chase Wiki
Dimensional Chaser
Bounty Hunter
Evo R IconHero-Lupus-6
Soul Hunter
Evo R IconHero-Lupus-Limit
Soul Reaper
Evo R IconHero-Lupus-Hyper
Mortal Biter
Evo R


Main Info

  • Name: Rufus Wilde
  • Age: Unknown (appears to be in his early twenties)
  • Hobbies: Counting money[1]
  • Likes: Bounty money, solitude, easy money[1]
  • Dislikes: Legis Wilde, being approached by someone else, hard work for a little pay[1]
  • Weakness: Cost of ammunition[1]

Rufus' father was a very famous and skilled Bounty Hunter, but due to an incident, he left for the material world never to return.

Though he resented his father for abandoning him, Rufus had long aspired to be like him, so he decided to follow in his father's footsteps to become a Bounty Hunter. As one of the Haros Tribe, Rufus was the guardian and watcher of the Underworld. He had the authority and responsibility to watch over the Souls trapped in the Underworld, along with bringing them back if they escaped.

When Rufus became an adult, he gained quite a reputation for his exceptional skills as a Bounty Hunter. One day while chasing after a wicked Soul into the material world, he sensed a Blue Flame that felt very similar to his father's and decided to search for it.




  • Cost: ??? USD

"Traitor! You will regret quitting our band!"

"That will not happen."

"So arrogant! Get out of here!"

The news that Rufus left the Berkas Band spread quickly. The rumor said that he got kicked out of the Berkas Band for behaving poorly when in reality, he quit the band himself. He didn't have to find out where the rumor started.

Berkas was blaming everything on Rufus who wasn't part of the band anymore.

"So childish."

He wasn't mad. He was expecting it. Rufus did not care about the rumors and focused on finding a new band. Many bands offered a sport such as the Questing Singer, and many people who were starting a new band were interested in Rufus. But...

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I decided to become a Singer for a different band. I'll make a new band next time."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'll call you next time. I'm sorry!"

But when he tried to meet them in person and get things done, all the plans got canceled. He could tell from their behaviors that they were getting pressured. Berkas Band was pressuring everyone who had a relationship with Rufus. It looked like Berkas Band wanted to kick Rufus off the stage forever.

"I can't believe they would do this..."

Rufus was not discouraged. But he had to think about how he was going to act from now on. He walked the streets while thinking. At that time, an unknown noise entered his ears and interrupted his thoughts.

"Squid without a conscience! A face I don't want to see! Lower your head, lower your head, woo!"

"Lower your head, lower your head, woo!"

A band was performing on the street. It was a band with a Bassist, Guitarist, and a Pianist. Their performance was awful. The Bassist was a beginner, and the Pianist was playing professionally like a classical pianist. She didn't know the tricks.

But in this chaos, the Guitarist was perfect. It wasn't a surprise because Ryan is very famous for playing the guitar. But, it was also Ryan who was singing horribly. Rufus approached Ryan who was smiling after finishing a song.

"Didn't I tell you not to sing before?"

"Oh! Who is this? It's Berkas Band's singer, Rufus?"

Rufus smiled bitterly at Ryan's greeting. Ryan was good at playing the guitar but didn't have any connection to rumors. It seemed like he didn't hear any news about Rufus leaving the band.

"You're very late. I left Berkas."

"Really? Did you move to a new band?"

"I don't have a band in mind. But I'm planning on moving to a new band."

"Good! Why don't you perform with us before you find your new team?"

Arme and Lire were looking at Rufus behind Ryan. It seemed like they were trying to find a professional Singer.

"You want me to become a part of this amateur band?"

"Was that a rude offer to a professional Singer? Well then, I'll sing!"

"Wait a minute. Is there no other way?"

"Huh? What do you mean? You don't want to listen to me sing?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? Grab the instrument and not the microphone."

Rufus pushed Ryan and stood his spot. The audience cheered at seeing the Singer join on the spot. It's been a while since Rufus received the audience's cheers. Although it wasn't a fancy stage, it wasn't bad to sing in front of the audience with them.

"I'll sing this one time."

  • Cost: 1300 Gems

Demon World's Great Pirate — First Story

The Demon World was always the one invading and never the ones being invaded. While the Demon World was at peace, the Demon Sea was not and it was called the Golden Sea for a reason.

There were those fighting for control of the Demon Sea and that's how the golden era of pirates started in the Demon World. The Demon Sea became dangerous mostly due to two great pirates.

If you wanted to call yourself a pirate, you had to belong to one of the two great pirate crews, however, some always try to go against the current and those were the Salvagers.

"News flash! The Hardliners warship sank!"

"The Hardliners giant warship sank? Was it one of the two great pirates?"

"Who cares who did it? Let's go! If we don't hurry, we won't be able to salvage anything! Set sail!"

All the individual Salvagers readied their boat to find the wreckage of the warship. The sea was already swarming with the navy and pirates. As they were fighting amongst themselves the sea was quickly filling up with wreckage. The Salvagers were the ones sailing around the sea for wreckage and to them, this was a perfect opportunity.

The Salvagers were following the seagulls to the wreckage and two different Salvagers came to a quick agreement.

"A giant warship is more than big enough for both of us to get our fair share."

"There's no point in fighting with each other when there are more Salvagers headed this way."

"I agree, let's split this 50/50."

"Agreed. All right, let's get to work."

The two Salvagers worked together to gather the remains of the giant warship and they were finally able to pull the giant warship out of the water. When they reviewed the remains of the warship, they were left speechless.


"I-Is this a ship? What happened to it?"

The warship didn't look much like a ship anymore, it looked as though it was picked clear off like a filleted fish.

There was nothing left of it, anything that could have been worth anything was already ripped off the warship. When this thought hit them, they realized there was only one being that was capable of this.

"T-The King of Greed! This must have been him!"

"Damn it! It wasn't the pirates? Run!"

The Salvagers scrambled to get out of the scene but they were already too late as the King of Greed was already closing in on the Salvagers. A pirate ship blocked their path before they even began to pull their anchor up.


The King of Greed, Rufus of the Golden Ocean, was standing tall on his ship.

"Haha, I knew this would happen. All I used was a simple carcass yet there are scavengers already at the scene."


Rufus had an eyepatch on his right eye and his greed-filled left eye glared at the Salvagers. In his head, he was already counting the worth of their ships.

"A-Admiral, we will hand over all the gold we have, please just spare our lives!"

"Not, even your petty lives are worth something."

With a title like King of Greed, what came out of his mouth was expected.

"D-Damn it!"


One of the Salvagers panicked and shot his musket at Rufus. There was no way of telling it was calculated but it came at Rufus from the right, his blindside. However, Rufus simply swayed his head to dodge the bullet, and before the Salvagers could react he bared his teeth.

『Bang! Bang! Bang!』


"Don't bother wasting your bullets, they're all money."

His crew members nodded at his remark and drew out their swords. Rufus nodded, satisfied with their quick reaction, and grinned.

As Rufus grinned his crew started to board the Salvagers' ship. Even the lives of the Salvagers would be used as money.


Those who lost their lives from the pirates still had to face Rufus in the Underworld as he was also the Grim Reaper of the Underworld.

"If you want to enter the Underworld, you will have to pay a small fee. Although, I don't expect you to have anything."


The Salvagers are called the hyenas of the sea, but what do you call someone who pillages the hyenas and even uses their Soul?


Half of a Picture

Rufus takes out a half-ripped picture.

Rufusk Rufus: It's not... a Wanted photo.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 1 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.0

Rufusk Rufus: Just focus on maintenance.

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Daily Defense' 2 times with Rufus
  • Defeat 'Ranger' boss in 'Adventure' dungeon 20 times with Rufus and recommended BP 80,000 or higher


Likability Rufus 01

Technician: This will hurt a little bit.
Rufusk Rufus: ......

It was a formal warning. Rufus didn't even look at the technician. The technician went straight to work.

Buzzz, buzzzzz.

The prosthetic was a sensitive device with nerves connected to it. Fixing it was like cutting and stabbing skin. But Rufus was still as if he couldn't feel pain. His eyes were fixed on a faded and torn family picture. The technician looked at the picture.

Technician: Do you need me to restore that picture? I can restore the torn part.
Rufusk Rufus: Why would I want to restore the part I ripped? Don't waste your time.
Technician: Do you still hate your father?
Rufusk Rufus: ......If you bring him up again... I will not come here ever again.
Technician: Ha! As you wish. Do you think it's easy to find a technician who can fix your prosthetic arm?
Rufusk Rufus: Then I will get rid of my arm.
Technician: You are so stubborn. I will not give you a discount this time!
Rufusk Rufus: Do whatever you want.

Rufus's eyes went back to the picture. It looked like he was trying to store his mom's smile in his eyes before it faded.

Gun in Hand

Father who disappeared and mother who is sick.

Rufusk Rufus: I didn't think I would do a good job.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 2 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.1

Rufusk Rufus: I just needed money.

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Wizard's Labyrinth' 2 times
  • Clear 'Adventure' dungeon 30 times with Rufus and recommended BP 130,000 or higher

Tristan: Are these all the requests?
Randy: Tristan, we got these requests thanks to your reputation. You are truly a legend.
Tristan: Nonsense...
Rufusk Rufus: Are you the legendary Bounty Hunter?
Tristan: Rufus?
Rufusk Rufus: Just answer my question. I asked if you are the legendary Bounty Hunter.
Randy: You are a bold kid. Do you know him?
Tristan: Right. He is the son of Legis.
Randy: Legis?
Tristan: Yes, the real legendary Bounty Hunter. I am just sharing the title because I am his partner. Do you understand, Rufus? That was your father.
Rufusk Rufus: How is he a legend... I get why they call Bounty Hunter's outlaws. I am not looking for a coward. I need money. Make me a Bounty Hunter.
Randy: Is that Legis's gun? Boy. A nice kid shouldn't play with guns. Guns are for bad adults.
Rufusk Rufus: I will become a bad adult if that's the requirement. Since I already have the gun in my hand.
Randy: Why don't you sell the gun? I will pay you well. Or I can refer you to a good place.
Tristan: Listen to Randy. Look for a different job if you want to live.
Rufusk Rufus: ......My mother... My mother is sick.
Tristan: Hm... All right. Let me see what you've got! I will help you since your father and I was friends.
Rufusk Rufus: I don't like the reason... But I will let it pass this time.

Tristan: ......I think I should teach you manners first.

Bounty Hunter

They are called messengers of the Underworld. Is it true?

Rufusk Rufus: Do I have to explain small things?

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 3 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.2

Rufusk Rufus: I am sick of people misunderstanding me.

Mission Requirements

  • Acquire 'Dimensional Boss' Summon reward 9 times
  • Defeat 'Assault' boss in 'Adventure' dungeon 40 times with Rufus and recommended BP 175,000 or higher

Rufusk Rufus: Get on before I hurt you. It's not your first time.
Timerick Turmeric: Hm... All right. I'm sorry. I promise I won't do anything that will disrupt the order of the Underworld. So please let me go this time.
Rufusk Rufus: ......
Timerick Turmeric: If you let me go... I will give you half of my collectibles. I can repent, and you get money! Isn't this good for both of us?
Rufusk Rufus: Soul collectors say the same thing every time. Let me point out your mistake. First, I don't care about the order of the Underworld.
Timerick Turmeric: What? But... you are a Soul Bounty Hunter of the Underworld.
Rufusk Rufus: Yes. The Underworld's Bounty Hunters aren't after Souls. Second, Bounty Hunters are after the prize placed on you.
Timerick Turmeric: Keck, then... There is no reason for you to reject my offer! How much do you want? I will give you money or Soul, whatever you want!
Rufusk Rufus: You are mistaken... Third, from the moment you are captured, all of your belongings are mine.
Timerick Turmeric: N-no! My Souls! You damn Bounty Hunter!!

Rufusk Rufus: Yes. This is the Underworld's, Bounty Hunter.


Be careful of hands that come when you need help.

Rufusk Rufus: Are you... going to help me?

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 4 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.3

Rufusk Rufus: Why didn't I doubt him...

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Dimensional Chasm' Rank 1 or higher
  • Achieve 400,000,000 accumulated damage to 'Dimensional Boss' with Rufus.

Rufusk Rufus: Were you looking for me?
Randy: I was just in the area. I heard you are good at hunting. I guess you fixed your habit of depending on the blue flame?
Rufusk Rufus: That's when I was a child. Don't talk about that. I got rid of that... useless power. Are you building your skills?
Randy: Hahaha. Everyone has their expertise. I am good at finding work and negotiating. Do you know how important that is? I heard you owe a huge debt... because you couldn't manage your money. Is that true?
Rufusk Rufus: ...... I do have debt, but I don't want to talk about it.
Randy: Oh, excuse me. I was just curious about your situation, I didn't mean to ask why. I was wondering if I could help. I have one good case... Do you want to work together?
Rufusk Rufus: Let me listen first.

Randy: Hey, Rufus. You were excellent last time.
Rufusk Rufus: Wow. I didn't think you would talk about what happened last time. Wasn't it a big case? You lied about the reward.
Randy: I didn't lie. People will be mistaken. I just received a small fee for referring you.
Rufusk Rufus: Don't you think the reward and fee changed?
Randy: Yes! That's what you didn't learn from Tristan. You have to check the contract carefully! Be careful next time because there are bad people who try to make money from others. Think of it as a lesson fee.

Rufusk Rufus: ...... I guess I was too naive. Let's see... if you can get away next time.

Tough Cookie

Business partners who are interrupting Rufus. But no one can stop him.

Rufusk Rufus: Annoying flies are hovering around him.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 5 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.4

Rufusk Rufus: Are you ready to pay the price?

Mission Requirements

  • Challenge 'Dimensional Boss' 40 times with Rufus
  • Achieve 'Guild Boss' accumulated damage 150,000,000

Underworld First Lord: Love it! I heard that you are the rising star of this industry, you are great!
Rufusk Rufus: I might be more expensive next time. If you have a request, you might want to do it as soon as possible.
Underworld First Lord: Hahaha. All right. I will do that!

Rufusk Rufus: Then... Let's finish our business.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter: W-what business?
Rufusk Rufus: You tried to disrupt my work.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter: I didn't mean to... but I failed! So can you let me go this time?
Rufusk Rufus: You think however you want to. I don't want to harm you. I will let you go if you give me money.

Rufusk Rufus: I'm not satisfied but I will let you go.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter 1: Waah, meanie... I just didn't like how he was showing off too much! I'm not going to talk to him ever again.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter 2: What do you mean! Are you going to back down? Just watch me! I will get revenge!

Rufusk Rufus: I agree. If you have money, I will always take on your revenge.

Owner of Left Arm

Rufus's left arm was paid in exchange for stopping Iron Dragon Berkas' march.

Rufusk Rufus: Exchange fee wasn't bad.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 6 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.5

Rufusk Rufus: Something that happened twice can happen three times.

Mission Requirements

  • Clear 'Adventure' dungeon 70 times with Rufus and recommended BP 270,000 or higher
  • Clear 'Dimensional Chasm' Rank 1 or higher

Technician: Huh? Where is your arm? Do you know how hard it is to find something that expensive in a poor town?
Rufusk Rufus: You can find anything with money.
Technician: Well, that's true...
Rufusk Rufus: Order it. I will come and get it soon.
Technician: What? Are you going to put it in yourself? I will call you once I get your appointment date.
Rufusk Rufus: But whatever.
Technician: But, why don't you talk about it before you leave? What happened to your arm?
Rufusk Rufus: I don't really... want to talk about it...
Technician: Damn it. Do you want me to pay the information fee? I will give you a discount so talk to me.
Rufusk Rufus: It's not a big deal. I met Iron-Dragon.
Technician: What? Did you run into Berkas again? You are so bold! You gave him your real arm... and you gave him your prosthetic arm too?
Rufusk Rufus: I didn't want to run into him. I just met him in the material world. I was wondering why he was so quiet... But I think he was after the material world.
Technician: How can you give your left arm to the same person twice... I guess Berkas is the owner of your left arm. Be careful. Next time, he might take more than just your left arm.
Rufusk Rufus: Don't worry. If he is the owner of my left arm... Then I am the owner of his fate. I broke his ambition twice.
Technician: Dragons are small-minded. They never forget their grudge. Don't look down on a dragon's anger.
Rufusk Rufus: I will reject any advice that doesn't make me money.

Technician: Stop talking about money!

Expectation Leads to Betrayal

Soldiers who followed Legis didn't even think about guarding Rufus.

Rufusk Rufus: You should've stayed hidden...

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 1 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.6

Rufusk Rufus: It's your fault for being in my sight.

Mission Requirements

  • In 'Adventure' dungeon, use Rufus's 'Final Shot' skill 350 times or more
  • Clear 'Annihilation' Rank 1 or higher

Eva: Hey! Kid! Do you not know us? How can you do that to us?
Rufusk Rufus: What was that? All I hear are losers talking. I won a fair competition.
Brady: I don't know if the process was fair. You followed us.
Rufusk Rufus: Do you have evidence? Are you saying... you left me alone when you knew you were being followed? Then you intentionally yielded it to me. I just accepted your kindness.
Eva: That's because we didn't think you would backstab us! Who would've thought Legis's son would grow up like this?
Rufusk Rufus: You don't have keen eyes. That's why you followed someone like that. I will give you some advice. Don't expect anything. You feel betrayed because you were expecting something. I abandoned my expectations of you guys a long time ago. That's better for both of us.
Brady: Do you... hate us? Because we weren't next to Melanie when she fainted after Legis disappeared?

Rufusk Rufus: ......Did you not hear what I just said? That's when you have expectations. I don't want to be involved with irresponsible people like you. I know that the Bounty money on you guys is still valid. Get lost now.

What is the Deposit?

Bounty Hunters accept every request. But the requester is... a cat?

Rufusk Rufus: That's new.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 2 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.7

Rufusk Rufus: And the request fee isn't bad.

Mission Requirements

  • Defeat 'Mage' boss in 'Adventure' dungeon 90 times with Rufus and recommended BP 375,000 or higher
  • Clear 'Wizard's Labyrinth' 5 times

Kiwi: I didn't know because I never worked with Underworld Bounty Hunters... But it's not bad.
Apple: Yeah. They ride the Underworld Train and go to other dimensions... So they are our perfect partners.
Kiwi: Yes. What do you think? Do you want to keep working with us?
Rufusk Rufus: ......Do you need a butler?
Apple: What are you saying? Do you want to work with us?
Rufusk Rufus: Oh, the Dimensional Trade Exchange?
Kiwi: I'm sorry but you won't be our full-time employee. Our company is picky about whom they choose.
Apple: You won't pass the application process.
Rufusk Rufus: I don't want to work for a cat company.
Kiwi: We are not a cat company. We help trade items from different dimensions. We give you insurance and long-term employment.
Rufusk Rufus: Your salary won't match the amount I want.
Kiwi: Hmph, you don't know the beauty of salary. You're still too young. Give me your name card before you go. I will contact you first the next time I need help.
Rufusk Rufus: There's no reason to deny a partnership. A long-term contract... It looks like I have to pay you a deposit. Do you want tuna cans?

Kiwi: When are you going to stop treating us like stray cats?

Pay for the Bullet

A story of one unusual day.

Rufusk Rufus: I am not used to resting.

Unlock Requirements

  • Rufus 3 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Rufus 'Likability' Lv.8

Rufusk Rufus: This is my last time doing it for free.

Mission Requirements

  • In 'Adventure' dungeon, use Rufus's 'Expunge' skill 50 times or more
  • Acquire 12★ in 'Guild War'


Likability Rufus 02

"Is he home?"

"I don't know. His lights are always off..."

"Someone saw him come home last night."

"What is wrong with you?"

"No... it's Rufus."

"There is no way he would do me a favor without asking for anything in return."

Neighbors gathered in front of Rufus's house and hesitated. They looked like they wanted to say something to him, but no one was stepping up. So people were surprised when the door opened.

"R-Rufus! You're home!"

"Were we too loud?"

"Sorry. We'll leave."

I hate repeating things. If you have something to say, say it now.

"Well... um."

It wasn't important. Nine out of the then things they said were about how they didn't have money. Rufus figured out the main point while putting bullets in his Eyeteeth silently.

"Are you going to help us?"

"But we don't have money..."

I'm just being capricious. It's better to move around rather than rest. But, be ready to pay me for the price of my bullets.


Rufus' Connection progress.

Lassk Lass: ...
Uncomfortable relationship


Elesisk Elesis: ...
Amicable relationship


Hwarink Hwarin: ...
Uncomfortable relationship


Hwarink Hwarin: ...
Rufusk Rufus: ...
Hwarink Hwarin: ...

Harpek Harpe: ...
Uncomfortable relationship


Jink Jin: ...
Amicable relationship


Zerok Zero: ...
Unknown relationship


Veigask Veigas: ...
Unknown relationship




Two sets of pistols.

When Rufus first held this weapon, many Bounty Hunters around him laughed at him. Even though he hated his father so much, he ended up choosing the same weapon that his father used.

However, no one can laugh at him now. Rufus is more known than his father as a Bounty Hunter. Of course, Rufus took all kinds of Bounty, whether it was for good or evil. As long as there was money, he got it done.

  • Physical Attack: 1400
  • Physical Defense: 430
  • Magic Defense: 250
  • Max Health: 1470


  • Shop: Can be purchased in Guild Point Shop.
  • Fusing Heroes: Acquire randomly through Hero Fusion.
  • Treasure Chest: Can be acquired from Diamond Chest.
  • Shop: Can be acquired from Summon Shop.

Base stats

IconHero-Lupus-6 Max Health Physical Attack Physical Defense Magic Defense
Base 4779 4580 1413 816
+12 7414 7105 2193 1266
Max 11863 11368 3509 2027


TIP: You can upgrade a skill every time the Hero achieves Breakthrough. 'Special' skills cannot be enhanced. To acquire the 'Chaser' skill, unlock the Hero's Chaser System.

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Rufus-Final Shot Final Shot 1 7 sec(s) "Fire a large bullet straight"

Rufus focuses all his power on Eyeteeth and shoots a powerful bullet in the targeted direction to deal 280% of physical attack damage and to enemies hit by the attack, he will mark them with 'Wolf Seal'.

Rufus-Make It Rain Make It Rain 2 10 sec(s) "Attack enemies by firing multiple bullets like falling rain"

Rufus shoots numerous bullets at the targeted area making it rain bullets to deal with 196.8% of physical attack damage and for 5 seconds, reduce the enemy's movement speed by 60%.

Rufus-Expunge Expunge 20 30 sec(s) "Attack enemies from a wide range"

Rufus uses weapons to deal with 1,739% of physical attack damage to all the enemies in a designated zone.

Rufus-Wolf's Seal Wolf's Seal N/A N/A "When attacking, a chance to leave a 'Wolf's Seal'"

When attacking, 25% chance to leave a 5-second 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Enemies with the Seal will receive 1.5x damage, and their health recovery will decrease by 35%. Also, when using basic attacks on a nearby enemy with the Seal, the bullet will spread and deal additional damage to up to 7 people.

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Rufus-LB-Final Shot Final Shot 1 7 sec(s) "Fire a large bullet straight"

Rufus focuses all his power on Eyeteeth and shoots a powerful bullet in the targeted direction to deal 280% of physical attack damage and to enemies hit by the attack, he will mark them with 'Wolf Seal'. Increases critical hit rate by 25% for 12 seconds to allies. Enemies hit receive increased basic attack damage by 30% for 5 seconds.

Rufus-LB-Make It Rain Make It Rain 1 10 sec(s) "Attack enemies by firing multiple bullets like falling rain"

Rufus shoots numerous bullets at the targeted area making it rain bullets to deal with 237% of physical attack damage and for 5 seconds, reduce the enemy's movement speed by 60%. For every second, the enemies hit receive 78% of battle power as damage for 5 seconds.

Rufus-LB-Wolf's Seal Wolf's Seal N/A N/A "When attacking, a chance to leave a 'Wolf's Seal'"

When attacking, 25% chance to leave a 5-second 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Enemies with the Seal will receive 1.5x damage, and their health recovery will decrease by 35% while decreasing the damage Rufus receives by 25%. Also, when using basic attacks on a nearby enemy with the Seal, the bullet will spread and deal additional damage to up to 7 people. 'Wolf's Seal' left on enemies cannot be removed from the debuff attack.

Chaser Skill

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL1 Kill 'Em All "Pour a concentrated fire with the 'Hound' to the designated location"

Summons 2 'Hound' for 10 seconds at the beginning of the battle. Rufus delivers a rain of bullets to the designated location and deals physical damage of 1,997.2%, then delivers a Final Shot that does physical damage of 307%. The attack leaves a 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Then, Rufus' basic attack range is increased by 50% for 10 seconds and deals 120.9% of physical attack as AoE damage at max. The basic attack at the 6th spread attack becomes a single target attack.

(This effect cannot be nullified)

Summons 2 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill for 10 seconds. 'Hound' attacks together when Rufus attacks, and shoots a bullet that deals physical damage of 95%. Shoots 2 shots per basic attack, shoots 4 shots per skill attack.

ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Rufus 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1 Summons 2 'Hound' for 10 seconds at the beginning of the battle. Rufus delivers a rain of bullets to the designated location and deals physical damage of 2,336.4%, then delivers a Final Shot that does physical damage of 359.2%. The attack leaves a 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Then, Rufus' basic attack range is increased by 50% for 12 seconds and deals 120.9% of physical attack as AoE damage at max. The basic attack at the 6th spread attack becomes a single target attack.

(This effect cannot be nullified)

Summons 2 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill for 12 seconds. 'Hound' attacks together when Rufus attacks, and shoots a bullet that deals physical damage of 95%. Shoots 2 shots per basic attack, shoots 4 shots per skill attack.

LVL 2 Summons 2 'Hound' for 10 seconds at the beginning of the battle. Rufus delivers a rain of bullets to the designated location and deals physical damage of 2,656%, then delivers a Final Shot that does physical damage of 408.3%. The attack leaves a 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Then, Rufus' basic attack range is increased by 50% for 14 seconds and deals 120.9% of physical attack as AoE damage at max. The basic attack at the 6th spread attack becomes a single target attack.

(This effect cannot be nullified)

Summons 2 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill for 14 seconds. 'Hound' attacks together when Rufus attacks, and shoots a bullet that deals physical damage of 95%. Shoots 2 shots per basic attack, shoots 4 shots per skill attack.

LVL 3 Summons 2 'Hound' for 10 seconds at the beginning of the battle. Rufus delivers a rain of bullets to the designated location and deals physical damage of 2,995.8%, then delivers a Final Shot that does physical damage of 460.5%. The attack leaves a 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Then, Rufus' basic attack range is increased by 50% for 16 seconds and deals 120.9% of physical attack as AoE damage at max. The basic attack at the 6th spread attack becomes a single target attack.

(This effect cannot be nullified)

Summons 2 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill for 16 seconds. 'Hound' attacks together when Rufus attacks, and shoots a bullet that deals physical damage of 95%. Shoots 2 shots per basic attack, shoots 4 shots per skill attack.

ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Kill 'Em All' LVL 1 Damage against 'Tank' and 'Assault' enemies is increased by 50%. 'Wolf's Seal' can be stacked up to 2. 2 stacks reduce the enemy's healing by 70%.

(In the case of upgraded 'Wolf's Seal', 2 stacks decrease Rufus' received damage by 40%)

The enemies who got attacked by 'Hound' get an increased received physical damage effect by 30% for 7 seconds.

Requires 'Kill 'Em All' LVL 2 Damage against 'Tank' and 'Assault' enemies is increased by 50%. 'Wolf's Seal' can be stacked up to 2. 2 stacks reduce the enemy's healing by 70%.

(In the case of upgraded 'Wolf's Seal', 2 stacks decrease Rufus' received damage by 40%)

Afterward, increase damage done to Heroes 'Retribution' Attribute by 10%.

Summons 4 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill. The enemies who got attacked by 'Hound' get an increased received physical damage effect by 30% for 7 seconds.

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL1 Kill 'Em All "Pour a concentrated fire with the 'Hound' to the designated location"

Summons 2 'Hound' for 10 seconds at the beginning of the battle. Rufus delivers a rain of bullets to the designated location and deals physical damage of 399.44%, then delivers a Final Shot that does physical damage of 92.1%. The attack leaves a 'Wolf's Seal' on the enemies. Then, Rufus' basic attack range is increased by 50% for 7.5 seconds and deals 60.45% of physical attack as AoE damage at max. The basic attack at the 6th spread attack becomes a single target attack.

(This effect cannot be nullified)

Summons 2 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill for 7.5 seconds. 'Hound' attacks together when Rufus attacks, and shoots a bullet that deals physical damage of 19%. Shoots 2 shots per basic attack, shoots 4 shots per skill attack.

ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Rufus 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1
ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Kill 'Em All' LVL 1 Damage against 'Tank' and 'Assault' enemies is increased by 50%. 'Wolf's Seal' can be stacked up to 2. 2 stacks reduce the enemy's healing by 70%.

(In the case of upgraded 'Wolf's Seal', 2 stacks decrease Rufus' received damage by 40%)

The enemies who got attacked by 'Hound' get an increased received physical damage effect by 30% for 7 seconds.

Requires 'Kill 'Em All' LVL 2 Damage against 'Tank' and 'Assault' enemies is increased by 50%. 'Wolf's Seal' can be stacked up to 2. 2 stacks reduce the enemy's healing by 70%.

(In the case of upgraded 'Wolf's Seal', 2 stacks decrease Rufus' received damage by 40%)

Afterward, increase damage done to Heroes 'Retribution' Attribute by 10%.

Summons 4 'Hound' after using the 'Kill 'Em All' skill. The enemies who got attacked by 'Hound' get an increased received physical damage effect by 30% for 7 seconds.

Soul Imprint

For all the common Soul Imprint traits, see Soul Imprint System.
Requirement Category Max Growth Effect
Memory Core Open,
Inherent Trait Growth
Soul Imprint State Effect Stats Upgrade: HP +6153, Physical Attack +6153, Physical Defense +1538, Magic Defense +1076

During the Imprint state, Rufus uses a grenade launcher every 3 basic attacks to deal AoE damage for 328% of physical attacks. Rufus shoots 2 to 8 additional rounds (basic attacks) based on the number of nearby enemies.

[Blue Flame]
When Rufus and 'Lass' are both in Imprint state, Blue Flames will manifest to reduce nearby enemies' final damage by 60% and make them both immune to all debuff attacks.
Rufus: 'Hound' enveloped in Blue Flames deals AoE damage for 100%/102%/104%/106%/108% of physical attack, removes shields, and leaves behind 'Blue Fiery Trails' for 5 seconds. 'Blue Fiery Trails' cannot be removed by enemies.
Lass: Increase critical damage by 50%. Critical damage dealt by Lass' skills to enemies affected by 'Blue Fiery Trails' will explode and deal AoE damage for 372%/390.6%/409.2%/427.8%/446.4% of Rufus' physical attack. Ally 'Ranger' Heroes gain 10 'Chaser' resources. Counts as Rufus' Passive skill.

(3-second cooldown)

Body Core Open,
Inherent Trait Open
Rufus-SB-Final Shot
Final Shot
In the designated direction, fire a laser to deal 504%/529.2%/554.4%/579.6%/604.8% of physical attack and increase all party members' crit rate by 15% for 12 seconds.

(During the 'Blue Flame' state, ignore all enemy shields while dealing damage)

Leave a 'Wolf's Seal' on damaged enemies and increase their damage received from basic attacks by 30% for 5 seconds. If the laser hits 4 or more enemies, Rufus fires 6 additional rounds (basic attacks) to deal additional damage.

Rufus-SB-Make It Rain
Make It Rain
[Passive Effect]
While battling with Lass, increase the recharge rate of the 'Imprint' resource by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%.

[Active Effect]
SP cost is reduced to 1. Deal 324%/340.4%/356.4%/372.4%/388.8% of physical attack on enemies in the designated region and reduce the movement speed of enemies by 60% for 5 seconds. Damaged enemies continue to receive damage for 40% of physical attacks per second for 5 seconds.

Soul Core Open,
Inherent Trait Open
ChaserSkill-Kill Them All-Hyper
Kill 'Em All
[Passive Effect]
After Rufus summons 'Hound', he assigns a 'Hound' to each ally up to 5 allies except himself for 8/9/10/11/12 seconds. When there are 4 or more enemies, 'Hound' fires 2 shots when Rufus uses basic attacks and fires 4 shots when Rufus uses skills.

[Active Effect]
When using 'Kill 'Em All', Rufus forces himself to the designated location to fire a barrage of close-range blind fire attacks at nearby enemies and deal AoE damage for 3,290%/3,454.5%/3,619%/3,783.5%/3,948% of physical attack. Afterward, he returns to his original position and then fires a laser to deal AoE damage for 588%/617.6%/646.8%/676%/705.6% of physical attack.

(During the 'Blue Flame' state, Rufus leaves behind 'Blue Fiery Trails' and the laser shot ignores shields to deal damage)

Rufus becomes invulnerable during the blind fire barrage.


5★ 6★ Breakthrough Soul Imprint
Bounty Hunter Rufus Soul Hunter Rufus Soul Reaper Rufus Mortal Biter Rufus
Bounty Hunter
바운티 헌터
Soul Hunter
영혼 사냥꾼
Soul Reaper
영혼 수확자
Mortal Biter
모탈 바이터
Base Material-Evolutionx50 Transcendence +3 Unlock all Soul Imprint traits

As a boss

Rufus can be fought as a boss in Epilogue 5.4: Bounty Hunter.


Rufus utilizes the same attacks he has as a playable character. However, his 'Wolf's Seal' leaves a big influence on the battle, therefore, the debuff should be removed when applied to party members.


  • Rufus is the second Grand Chase member that can be fought as a boss, the other being Lass in the original game.
  • In the official Japanese and Taiwanese sites of Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser, Rufus is said to have become obsessed with money after his mother died of illness.[2][3]
    • It was revealed that Rufus needed the money to pay off the debt incurred from the reincarnation of his mother.
  • Mortal Biter's design seems to take inspiration from the Male Gunner class from the game Dungeon Fighter Online.
  • Bloody Hunter is Rufus' Awakening Coordi Set in the original game.


  • With the original game reopening as GrandChase Classic, Rufus' Starlight Chaser avatar becomes a Coordi Armor alongside Lapis' Starlight Guardian avatar for the newly added Berry Seal Breaker Gacha.
  • Rufus' Animal Police avatar alongside Lime's in her Job Change also becomes a Coordi Armor for the newly added Gale Seal Breaker Gacha in the original game.
  • Another newly added Coordi Armor in the original game was Rufus' King of Greed avatar for the Scar Seal Breaker Gacha alongside Ley's Pirate Queen avatar.


Main article: Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser/Gallery





  • "I will do anything. As long as you pay me..."
  • "I will do whatever you need... As long as you pay me."
  • "What do you expect to accomplish with that meager payment?"
  • "I don't care how difficult it is, just how much it pays."
  • "You're foolish allowing yourself to be fazed so easily."
  • "You should enjoy life while you're still alive."
  • "Give up. Accept your fate."
  • "Life is not that precious. It's easily paid for."
  • "Why am I obsessed with money? What a useless question."
  • "Love? Justice? How much do those things cost?"
  • "The truth is not always what it seems."
  • "I'll just... go for a walk."
  • "I have no family. No…"
  • "I'd rather not talk about it."
  • "In the end, you can't trust anybody."
  • "I don't need compliments... Just give me money."
  • "I'll be in your care from now on."
  • "Thank you for always using my services."
  • "Don't worry, as long as you pay me, I'll be on your side."
  • "I'm too calculative? I think it's better than not thinking at all."
  • "It'll be more beneficial for you to sign a contract now."
  • "My father... I'll kill him even without anyone having to pay me."
  • "You're worthless, yet you keep bothering me."
  • "If you're not here to talk about work, don't talk to me at all."
  • "That much won't even buy you a single hair on my head."
  • "I have no feelings towards you. After all, there are no monetary benefits in knowing you."
  • "Work that doesn't pay... Such a waste of time."
  • "Let's keep business and private separate. Though, it's not like we have a reason to meet in private anyway..."
  • "Your Soul is mine. I'd appreciate it if you don't get killed by someone else entirely."
  • "Are you doubting my abilities?"
  • "I'd rather if you didn't take interest in me."
  • "There's no use in begging me now."
  • "I have no interest in that."
  • "You want me to save you? How much will you pay?"

  • "I'll make this quick."
  • "This one's going to be a bit more expensive."
  • "I will give you a discount for this job."
  • "It won't take long."
  • "Is that where you draw the line?" (with Lass in the same party)

  • "It looks like there will be some additional fees."
  • "Do not worry. I will stick to the contract…"
  • "Do you have the money prepared?"
  • "That's quite a delay."

  • "You're up early."
  • "Do you have the money?"
  • "The stars are shining bright? It doesn't make me money, so I don't care."

  • "You're back. Welcome."
  • "Merry Christmas!"
  • "Happy New Year!"
  • "Another year has passed? Now you're one step closer to the day you die. I'm looking forward to it."

Speech balloons

  • "For this much, I'll give you a discount."
  • "I guess there are times when things go better than expected."
  • "When I am upgraded, I will handle more difficult work."
  • "When I am evolved, I will handle more difficult work."
  • "When I am awakened, I will handle more difficult work."
  • "Prestige me and I can take on tougher challenges."
  • "Select my Trait and I can take on tougher challenges."
  • "Transcendence Awakening me and I can take on tougher challenges."
  • "Limit Break me and I can take on tougher challenges."
  • "When I am Chaser, I will handle more difficult work."
  • "When I am Soul Imprint, I will handle more difficult work."



Rank-SS Tier SR
ATTR-Life Elesis
ATTR-Life Lire
ATTR-Hellfire Arme
ATTR-Judgment Lass
ATTR-Judgment Ryan
ATTR-Hellfire Ronan
ATTR-Judgment Amy
ATTR-Judgment Jin
ATTR-Cycles Sieghart
ATTR-Life Mari
ATTR-Destruction Dio
ATTR-Destruction Zero
ATTR-Life Ley
ATTR-Judgment Rufus
ATTR-Cycles Rin
ATTR-Life Asin
ATTR-Cycles Lime
ATTR-Hellfire Edel
ATTR-Judgment Veigas
ATTR-Destruction Decanee
ATTR-Cycles Ai
ATTR-Hellfire Serdin
ATTR-Hellfire Kanavan
ATTR-Life Werner
ATTR-Judgment Arsad
ATTR-Life Gaian
ATTR-Life Grandiel
ATTR-Destruction Nelia
ATTR-Hellfire Io
ATTR-Destruction Hwarin
ATTR-Cycles Europa
ATTR-Life Tia
ATTR-Life Lapis
ATTR-Cycles Harpe
ATTR-Life Callisto
ATTR-Hellfire Cindy
ATTR-Cycles Ragnar
ATTR-Cycles Myst
ATTR-Hellfire Ganymede
ATTR-Hellfire Sol
ATTR-Life Mayden
ATTR-Hellfire Elesis
ATTR-Destruction Bastet
ATTR-Life Bram