Grand Chase Wiki
Dimensional Chaser
Evo R IconHero-Harpe-6
Evo R IconHero-Harpe-Limit
Evo R IconHero-Harpe-Hyper
Evo R


"Loyalty beyond death."

Main Info[]

  • Name: Harpe Noir
  • Age: 24 (at death)
  • Hobbies: Organizing schedules
  • Likes: Sharing parfait
  • Dislikes: Mind domination/control

He was selected to become an Agent of Existor that serves the Erudon family in part due to his unwavering loyalty even from an early age. He was assigned to support the Young Master Ronan of the Erudon family. In due time, Ronan naturally came to consider Harpe as his most trusted confidant and friend. Even during the Kingdom Wars when Ronan was roaming the battlefield against his will, Harpe was always by his side. Unfortunately, Ashtaroth took advantage of the bond between these two and used them in his scheme. Ashtaroth held Harpe's soul hostage and used it as bait to lure out the Grand Chase. As a result, Harpe met his end with many regrets in life.

While he was serving in the Underworld long after his memories had been lost, a fortuitous encounter with Ronan brought a part of his memories back. After the brief encounter, he resolves to never leave behind any more regrets. Harpe, who has learned the magic swordsmanship of the Underworld, now applies himself to his duties in service to the Queen of the Underworld. Now, he awaits the day when Ronan will return.


Harpek Harpe: I may not be qualified. But since I'm already here… I won't just quietly leave.
Harpek Harpe: Will you hear me out?
Harpe Persona: You don't know when to give up. Do you not know… that feigning ignorance is the best I can do for you?
Harpek Harpe: So, you appear before me at last. If you are so considerate of me…
Harpek Harpe: Won't you give me a chance to obtain power?
Harpe Persona: Your greed knows no bounds. Forget about the regrets from your past life. The more you hold on to the human Harpe… the further your soul gets from its rightful destination. Everything you've accumulated for your soul can be for naught. Do you understand? Your soul may vanish without a trace.

Harpek Harpe: I'm not afraid of the risks. I just want to regret it no longer. To do that…
Harpek Harpe: I need power!

Harpe Persona: Don't you get it? Your regrets are only because you insist on being Harpe…

Harpek Harpe: Is it wrong for me… to exist as myself?

Harpe Persona: It's one thing if you were alive as Harpe... But now, you're just a dead soul who used to be Harpe.

Harpe Persona: You should be wiping the slate clean and preparing for the next life… Don't you know how wrong it is to hold on to the memories of your past life?
Harpek Harpe: Don't tell me to forget. I didn't live to just forget it.
Harpek Harpe: Because I remember when I was alive…
Harpek Harpe: It makes me want to live today to the fullest.
Harpek Harpe: I don't want overwhelming power or eternal life.
Harpek Harpe: I just want to be able to protect the one I serve now.

Harpe Persona: Do not talk lightly of power. If the power you were seeking was such a trifling thing… Then it wouldn't have led you here. Harpe is merely the latest mask your soul wore among the many faces it has had in all its reincarnations. All the karma your previous existences have built up could be for naught. Are you willing to risk that possibility?

Harpek Harpe: If I lose the part of me that knows who I am...
Harpek Harpe: How can I do what's right for the past reincarnations of myself?
Harpek Harpe: Doing my best now… is the path I must take. Of that, I'm certain.
Harpe Persona: So, that is your conviction.

Harpe Persona: I hear you, loud and clear. However, the risks I've told you about are very real. When you leave the cycle of souls… The laws of the world will come for you.
Harpek Harpe: You need not worry. I'm waiting for someone. Until I meet that person again…
Harpek Harpe: I will not kneel to whatever comes my way.

Harpe Persona: Loyalty that remains even after your life is spent. That is the greatest worth of your soul. I pray that the light within your soul won't fade.




Even though I knew Ronan had changed and was going down the wrong path, I could neither stop him nor leave him.

Harpek Harpe: It's all my fault...

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 1 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.0

Harpek Harpe: I was the one who failed to help him.

Mission Requirements


Likability Harpe 01

He did not think twice about hard decisions, and he did things he would regret without hesitation. All in the name of Her Highness. I am afraid. Afraid of that change. When that red light in the Young Master's eye started to appear… He became reckless. I can't stop him. For the sake of the revival of the Erudon family, I know how hard he worked to gain the attention of the Queen. I can't deny his efforts. Because of that… Even though I knew Ronan Erudon was sinking deeper into a mire he couldn't swim out of… All I did was… follow him in. That is my sin. Oh god, I ask thee not for my salvation, for I do not deserve it.

Please Treat Him Well


Harpe's duty isn't limited to gathering information.

Harpek Harpe: It is my duty to not only collect but also to curate the information.

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 2 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.1

Harpek Harpe: But, there is no other duty more important than assisting the Young Master.

Mission Requirements

Armek Arme: If it wasn't for Ronan, this could have been a big mistake. How did you know? Can you read minds or something?
Ronank Ronan: No. I just had some help.
Armek Arme: Help?
Ronank Ronan: Ah, did I forget to mention? Harpe! Come out here for a moment. Let me introduce you. This is Harpe, an Agent of Existor.
Harpek Harpe: Hello. I am Harpe Noir.
Edelk Edel: You? Perhaps… Have I seen you before?
Harpek Harpe: You have, Lady Edel Frost.
Edelk Edel: I knew it… I recall you next to Ronan. I've only heard of the rumors of Existor, the secret organization that works for the Erudon family. It did exist after all.
Armek Arme: Secret organization? Some kind of intelligence operative?
Harpek Harpe: It's not such a big deal. I only help collect information that may be of help to my Master.
Ronank Ronan: You may be disappointed that I couldn't read minds after all.
Elesisk Elesis: So, you were able to get the necessary information and make the right call based on that. That's very impressive. I'm not disappointed. Not one bit.
Ronank Ronan: I-it's not worthy of such praise.
Elesisk Elesis: It was nice to meet you, Harpe. Can I count on you?
Harpek Harpe: I am faithful to my duties.
Elesisk Elesis: Oh, you give off the aura of a professional Agent!

Edelk Edel: What did you want to say to me?
Harpek Harpe: I am sorry for what happened earlier. It was not Young Master's intent.
Edelk Edel: It's fine. We've already talked it out. I know it wasn't Ronan's fault.
Harpek Harpe: Is that so? Thank you for your understanding. Please treat my Master well. Then…
Elesisk Elesis: Huh? Weren't you with someone? I heard you guys talking.
Edelk Edel: There was someone who was worried for his younger brother.
Elesisk Elesis: Brother? Do we have someone with an older brother? Whoever it is, he must be a fool. If he was as cool-headed and trusting as Harpe is with Ronan, he wouldn't be worried. Am I right?
Edelk Edel: ……
Elesisk Elesis: Hm? What?

Edelk Edel: It's nothing.

Where the Dead Must Go


Ashtaroth lured in the Grand Chase on the Underworld Train by using Harpe as his hostage.

Harpek Harpe: N, no. You can't use me as bait like this!

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 3 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.2

Harpek Harpe: I can't go without at least saying goodbye to Master…

Mission Requirements

Armek Arme: Ah! The Train's about to be derailed! It's dangerous!
Ronank Ronan: Harpe! Where is Harpe... Please!!
Elesisk Elesis: The Train's about to get thrown off! We need to go now!
Diok Dio: Keuk! It's not time to be stubborn, human! Grab my hand!
Ronank Ronan: But... I am... I...
Jink Jin: Ronan!!
Ronank Ronan: Harpe!!!

Ashtaroth: Oh no, did everyone run away? How heartless. After all, nothing is more precious to a human than their own life. I guess this is useless then. You useless soul that nobody wants. Go ahead and vanish into the void with this Train. That is my punishment to you for getting in my way earlier.
Harpek Harpe: Y, Young Master…

Low-Class Bounty Hunter: Last room is clear too! All right, looks like all the rooms are all right.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter: I know right? We could have lost the Train and all the souls within it. Hehehe, I can't wait to see that bounty.
Rufusk Rufus: Go ahead and tell them I won't give them any discounts. If they don't have enough… tell them I'll turn this Train into something that belongs to the scrap yard.
Low-Class Bounty Hunter: Rufus is right! We got to take our fair share! All right! Back to work! Find all the dead hiding in the nooks and crannies! It's time to earn our paychecks!!
Rufusk Rufus: You are...
Harpek Harpe: P, please. Please let Ronan know, he must be so worried about me…
Rufusk Rufus: There's only one place the dead belong. When you get there, your previous life will mean nothing.
Harpek Harpe: B, but.. Just one last time, please...

Rufusk Rufus: You should count yourself lucky that you haven't become a wanderer of the void. Now, it's time to go to the Underworld.

Wicked Soul


The greater your sins, the greater the time it takes to wash them away.

Harpek Harpe: You're saying I've committed all of these sins?

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 4 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.3

Harpek Harpe: If I have sinned, then I must receive appropriate punishment.

Mission Requirements

Underworld First Lord: Let me ask. Who are you?
Harpek Harpe: I... don't know. I don't remember anything.
Underworld First Lord: Correct! Your memory was erased properly. Harumph, you are a sinner. You must pay for the sins in your life through your service in the Underworld. So you must heed the words of us Haros, whom you must serve!
Harpek Harpe: Service to the Haros… Understood.
Underworld First Lord: Looks like we got the first useful soul in a while.
Underworld First Lord: What's the point? They're just going to reincarnate soon.
Underworld First Lord: Hehehe, open your eyes wide and look again.
Underworld First Lord: What? Does this guy have so many sins? Wait, did you fabricate these records?
Underworld First Lord: Shush, why are you speaking so loudly? What if someone heard us? This secret is between you and me. If this one sells for a lot, I'll make sure you get a nice, fat cut too.
Hwarink Hwarin: Thank you for your hard work this late into the night.
Underworld First Lord: Oh, no. Your Highness, what brings you here...
Underworld First Lord: You grace us with your presence.
Hwarink Hwarin: I heard a Train that was almost lost was recovered. Then surely, I must have some souls to judge?
Underworld First Lord: There is no need for you to do this yourself, Your Highness.
Underworld First Lord: Yes, Your Highness. Please leave it to us to take care of everything perfectly.
Hwarink Hwarin: To the… two of you? ......So fast... You must look through everything carefully.
Underworld First Lord: We're so disappointed to hear that, Your Highness.
Underworld First Lord: Do you not trust us? Do you think the Prime Minister left this to us for no reason?
Hwarink Hwarin: B, but… Who is this soul?
Underworld First Lord: Oh... this one? This is the most wicked soul of the ones that came in with the last Train.
Underworld First Lord: Indeed. This soul will have to toil for a very long time for the sake of the Underworld.
Hwarink Hwarin: He doesn't look so evil to me.
Underworld First Lord: You can't judge a book by its cover, Your Highness. Look here, in the records, Your Highness.
Hwarink Hwarin: T, then… I will take this one. I will keep this one by my side and reform him.
Underworld First Lord: What? Ah, I mean... Oh no, our plans are ruined. I already took the deposit, what do I do now?

Underworld First Lord: Why are you saying us? It's just you.

The Servant That Used To Be *** in His Previous Life?


Her Highness is having a hard time with Changhae Jung's advances.

Harpek Harpe: He used to be the most annoying person going in and out of the Royal Court.

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 5 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.4

Harpek Harpe: I don't know why he stopped, but I think he may be afraid of me?

Mission Requirements

Changhae: Your Highness, where are you off to in such a hurry?
Hwarink Hwarin: D-Duke Changhae. I must take care of state affairs.
Changhae: Leave that kind of stuff to your underlings… How about taking a walk with me downtown?
Hwarink Hwarin: How can you say that? You are one of the Ministers of the Underworld. It's not right for you to push your work on someone else.
Changhae: I am anything but just your humble subject. I'm the one who is promised to be betrothed to you, Your Highness. Nobody can say anything to me.
Hwarink Hwarin: I, I made no such promises.
Changhae: Is that so? My people are slow at getting this done. No matter. Then we can make this promise now. So, starting today on the first… Woah! What is this? You insolent one.
Harpek Harpe: My apologies. I must accompany Your Highness. Your Highness, it's time for you to go.
Hwarink Hwarin: Huh? Oh right! Thank you. Let us hurry.
Changhae: W, wait.. You fool. Do you dare to stand in my way?
Harpek Harpe: ……
Changhae: Ah, no... Who does he think he is to stare like that… S, so... Scary...
Harpek Harpe: Do you have further business with Her Highness?

Changhae: Y… N, no! None! I will come looking for you another time. Phew, was that the rumored one that was quite the villain in his previous life? What a scary bastard.

Retreading Old Memories


I remembered a memory from my previous life when I ran into Ronan in the Wilderness.

Harpek Harpe: How could I forget such a precious memory...

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 6 'Awakening' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.5

Harpek Harpe: I'm so glad I could tell you my story.

Mission Requirements

Hwarink Hwarin: Did you regain your memories?
Harpek Harpe: I… I don't remember everything. But I do remember Master Ronan.
Hwarink Hwarin: How surprising. You and this Ronan must have a special connection.
Harpek Harpe: Really... I do think that's the case.
Hwarink Hwarin: Can you tell me who he is?
Harpek Harpe: What? Ah well… My memory isn't complete, so it'd be full of holes if I tried to tell you.
Hwarink Hwarin: That doesn't matter. I just want to hear a story from you for once, Harpe. You always listen to mine.
Harpek Harpe: I understand. I served Ronan as my master since I was young. But Master couldn't remember my name very well. He used to call me "parfait" all the time.
Hwarink Hwarin: Does that have some kind of meaning?

Harpek Harpe: Well, a parfait is…

Who Were You?


There are Haros who still discriminate against the dead.

Harpek Harpe: I expected resistance...

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 1 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.6

Harpek Harpe: What? I did something wrong?

Mission Requirements

Underworld First Lord: This dead bastard dares?
Underworld First Lord: If it was like before, you couldn't even bring your eyes up to meet mine!
Eva: What? Do I hear some city folk shouting around about how high and mighty they are?
Brady: I can't believe there are idiots who still don't know that times have changed… Do you all not know that the man before you is the closest to Her Highness of the Underworld?
Underworld First Lord: Closest to Her Highness? What, does carrying her on your back give you the right to be violent?
Eva: What? Violent?
Harpek Harpe: Calling me violent… that's nonsense. I came here with the hopes that you would be willing to work efficiently around Her Highness' schedule… And proposed a daily schedule going forward. That's all.
Underworld First Lord: Work efficiency? Sure! But why does this schedule not account for our matters and time?
Underworld First Lord: Provide us a proper work environment! Let us get off work on time! We're going to die of overwork at this rate!
Harpek Harpe: Hahaha. Aren't you the Haros of the Underworld? You won't die from overworking, so there are no problems there. You two came at a good time. We're short on hands here… Hey, everyone?
Eva: Ah! I was forgetting that thing! Gotta run! Brady there is going to help you!!

Brady: Well, well… Looks like I barked up the wrong tree and got left with all the hard work. I heard you were a special Agent of some sort in your previous life, but I do wonder if you were some sort of butler instead.

Driven by Memory


I kept remembering when I said goodbye under this tree.

Harpek Harpe: It was right here.

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 2 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.7

Harpek Harpe: This tree probably remembers as well.

Mission Requirements

Rufusk Rufus: It's not like anyone's keeping watch… If you miss him so much, why don't you go out and find him yourself?
Harpek Harpe: I can do that?
Rufusk Rufus: Nothing says you can't. There's less work lately… If you run, you'd give me work to do, and wouldn't this benefit both of us?
Harpek Harpe: Huhu, with the excuse of pursuing me… Aren't you the one who wants to go and find them, Rufus?
Rufusk Rufus: That's not funny. Even as a joke.
Harpek Harpe: When the time is right, we will be able to meet them again. For now, it's enough to dwell on our memories.
Rufusk Rufus: Surely, not all of your memories are so rosy?
Harpek Harpe: There were happy memories, and there were some good memories to look back on because time had passed. There's no reason to keep feeling bad about a memory.
Rufusk Rufus: I don't think I really understand.
Harpek Harpe: Really? I think you know what I mean.
Rufusk Rufus: Let's stop there. This isn't even worth any money.

Harpek Harpe: Alright. Then, shall we go?

Focus on Today


Today is too precious to waste on reliving old memories.

Harpek Harpe: Your Highness, it's time for tea.

Unlock Requirements

  • Harpe 3 'Transcendence' achieved
  • Reach Harpe 'Likability' Lv.8

Harpek Harpe: You can leave the work to me for a moment.

Mission Requirements


Likability Harpe 02

Harpe brought out the tea at just the right time. It was right after one case was closed and before listening to the next appeal. With natural, fluid movements, Harpe placed the tea down and then held up the documents that Myung Hwarin was about to unfold. Myung Hwarin gladly accepted his gestures with a smile. There was a great deal left to do, but she knew she couldn't rush and had to take her time to make her decision carefully. Sometimes, Harpe's opinions led her to consider matters that she couldn't even imagine on her own. Next to Myung Hwarin who dreamed of tomorrow... Harpe focused on living his life to the fullest each day, one at a time. He won't leave behind any regrets.


Harpe's Connection progress.

Hwarink Hwarin: If I leave her alone, she'll keep working
Very close relationship


Harpek Harpe: I knew it.
Harpek Harpe: Your Highness? It's time to finish work for the day.
Hwarink Hwarin: A-Already?

Hwarink Hwarin: Just a little more. I need to read this one more...
Harpek Harpe: Your Highness? Your tea is getting cold.
Harpek Harpe: Tea isn't much of a concern but...
Harpek Harpe: If you keep saying 'a little more' this could end up detrimental to your health.

Harpek Harpe: Did you forget our promise to take proper breaks?
Hwarink Hwarin: Sigh, I understand.
Hwarink Hwarin: The tea smells nice.

Harpek Harpe: This is one of the only ways I can help.
Hwarink Hwarin: That's not true. You're managing all of my schedule.
Hwarink Hwarin: I'm always grateful.
Harpek Harpe: It's my duty to not burden you with all the small details.

Hwarink Hwarin: You may be doing more than me, Harpe.
Hwarink Hwarin: Then, when do you get to rest, Harpe?
Harpek Harpe: Me? Pfft.
Harpek Harpe: If Your Highness goes through all the items on her schedule efficiently, then maybe I get some time to rest?
Hwarink Hwarin: H-How troublesome. I will try.

Rufusk Rufus: He complains but takes on the job every time
Amicable relationship


Ronank Ronan: I will wait for him. As long as it takes.
Very close relationship


Wraith Reaper[]


A dress Sword given to those promoted in the Underworld reformation.

Wraith Reaper is an exceptional weapon painstakingly forged to cut down evil spirits with the energy of the sun in its blade. However, it is rare to see it out of its sheath, and it is used as a charm to ward off misfortune most of the time.

Likewise, Harpe doesn't draw his Sword lightly, however, he always carries it by his hip, ready to draw at any time.

  • Magic Attack: 1400
  • Physical Defense: 250
  • Magic Defense: 370
  • Max Health: 1770


  • Shop: Can be purchased in Guild Point Shop.
  • Fusing Heroes: Acquire randomly through Hero Fusion.
  • Treasure Chest: Can be acquired from Diamond Chest.
  • Shop: Can be acquired from Summon Shop.


Harpe-prologue raw 01

Harpe-prologue raw 02

Harpe-prologue raw 03

Harpe-prologue raw 04

Base stats[]

IconHero-Harpe-6 Max Health Magic Attack Physical Defense Magic Defense
Base 5775 4580 816 1215
+12 8959 7105 1266 1884
Max 14335 11368 2026 3015


TIP: You can upgrade a skill every time the Hero achieves Breakthrough. 'Special' skills cannot be enhanced. To acquire the 'Chaser' skill, unlock the Hero's Chaser System.

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Harpe-Shining Lotus Flower Lotus Petal Volley 2 16 sec(s) "Shoot mana bullets forward to deal damage and generate 'Flowerfly'"

Shoot numerous mana bullets in the designated direction to stop enemies in their tracks and deal AoE damage for 480% of magic damage. 4 'Flowerfly' flies to the furthest enemy in range.

Harpe-Radiant Scent Intensifying Aroma 1 14 sec(s) "Deal damage by exploding Sword Lotus and 'Flowerfly' together"

In the designated location, bloom Sword Lotus to deal AoE damage for 401% of the magic attack. At this time, explode 'Flowerfly' at the same time to deal AoE damage for 430% of the magic attack (PvP: 516%).

Harpe-Celestial Sword Style Hidden Sky Sword 20 30 sec(s) "Slash in an upwards direction ahead of you, then generate 8 'Flowerfly'"

Move to the designated location then do an upwards spinning slash that deals AoE damage for 1,624% of the magic attack. Attract 8 'Flowerfly' drawn to the Sword Lotus.

Harpe-Flowering Swordplay Blooming Lotus Sword N/A N/A "Generates 'Flowerfly' and increase party's final damage"

Basic attacks that deal damage to enemies have a 10% chance to attract a 'Flowerfly' drawn to the Sword Lotus.

(3-second cooldown)

'Flowerfly' flies towards nearby enemies for 5 seconds then explodes to deal AoE damage for 400% of magic attack (PvP: 168%).

(Max: 35 'Flowerfly')

Each time Harpe's attack deals critical damage to enemies increases the allies' final damage by 1% up to 10% and generates shields that absorb 20% of HP for 5 seconds. The final damage increase effect cannot be removed.

(2-second cooldown)

Skill Icon Name SP Cooldown Description
Harpe-LB-Shining Lotus Flower Lotus Petal Volley 2 16 sec(s) "Shoot mana bullets forward to deal damage and generate 'Flowerfly'"

Shoot numerous mana bullets in the designated direction to stop enemies in their tracks and deal AoE damage for 480% of magic damage. 4 'Flowerfly' flies to the furthest enemy in range. Within 7 seconds of using this skill, it can be reused 1 time without consuming SP.

Harpe-LB-Radiant Scent Intensifying Aroma 1 14 sec(s) "Deal damage by exploding Sword Lotus and 'Flowerfly' together"

In the designated location, bloom Sword Lotus to deal AoE damage for 401% of the magic attack. At this time, explode 'Flowerfly' at the same time to deal AoE damage for 430% of the magic attack (PvP: 516%). Enemies damaged by explosions from 'Intensifying Aroma' faint for 2 seconds. Every time the enemy removes the faint debuff, the 'Intensifying Aroma' cooldown reduces by a second, and an additional 'Flowerfly' flies in.

Harpe-LB-Flowering Swordplay Blooming Lotus Sword N/A N/A "Generates 'Flowerfly' and increase party's final damage"

Basic attacks that deal damage to enemies have a 10% chance to attract a 'Flowerfly' drawn to the Sword Lotus.

(3-second cooldown)

'Flowerfly' flies towards nearby enemies for 5 seconds then explodes to deal AoE damage for 400% of magic attack (PvP: 168%).

(Max: 35 'Flowerfly')

Each time Harpe's attack deals critical damage to enemies increases the allies' final damage by 1% up to 20% and generates shields that absorb 30% of HP for 5 seconds. The final damage increase effect cannot be removed.

(2-second cooldown)

If there are 4 or more enemies, increase the skill damage of the ally magic damage Heroes by 20% + [(number of enemies - 4) x 6%]. This effect cannot be removed.

(Max: 44%)

Chaser Skill[]

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL1 Wings of the Soaring Phoenix "Cast a 'Phoenix' to deal damage then increase damage targets take from magic"

Cast a 'Phoenix' in the designated direction to deal AoE damage for 1,722% of the magic attack and affected enemies take 20% more damage from 'Mage' for 10 seconds.

ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Harpe 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1 Cast a 'Phoenix' in the designated direction to deal AoE damage for 1,894.2% of the magic attack and affected enemies take 25% more damage from 'Mage' for 12 seconds.
LVL 2 Cast a 'Phoenix' in the designated direction to deal AoE damage for 2,066.4% of the magic attack and affected enemies take 30% more damage from 'Mage' for 14 seconds.
LVL 3 Cast a 'Phoenix' in the designated direction to deal AoE damage for 2,238.6% of the magic attack and affected enemies take 35% more damage from 'Mage' for 16 seconds.
ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Wings of the Soaring Phoenix' LVL 1 [Pasive Effect]
When the battle starts, 4 'Flowerfly' seek nearby enemy with the highest attack for 10 seconds. This effect cannot be removed.

(3-second cooldown)

Requires 'Wings of the Soaring Phoenix' LVL 2 [Pasive Effect]
When the battle starts, 4 'Flowerfly' seek nearby enemy with the highest attack for 10 seconds. This effect cannot be removed.

(3-second cooldown)

[Active Effect]
After using the skill, reactivate the passive effect for 15 seconds.

Skill Icon Name Description
ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL1 Wings of the Soaring Phoenix "Cast a 'Phoenix' to deal damage then increase damage targets take from magic"

Cast a 'Phoenix' in the designated direction to deal AoE damage for 964.32% of the magic attack and affected enemies take 20% more damage from 'Mage' for 10 seconds.

ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL1
LVL 0/3
Reach Harpe 'Chaser' Rank 20 LVL 1
ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL2
LVL 1/2

ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-LVL3
LVL 2/2
Requires 'Wings of the Soaring Phoenix' LVL 1 [Pasive Effect]
When the battle starts, 4 'Flowerfly' seek nearby enemy with the highest attack for 10 seconds. This effect cannot be removed.

(3-second cooldown)

Requires 'Wings of the Soaring Phoenix' LVL 2 [Pasive Effect]
When the battle starts, 4 'Flowerfly' seek nearby enemy with the highest attack for 10 seconds. This effect cannot be removed.

(3-second cooldown)

[Active Effect]
After using the skill, reactivate the passive effect for 15 seconds.

Soul Imprint[]

For all the common Soul Imprint traits, see Soul Imprint System.
Requirement Category Max Growth Effect
Memory Core Open,
Inherent Trait Growth
Passive Effect Upon taking fatal damage, become invincible for 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds.

(120-second cooldown)

During invincibility, acquire 5 'Imprint' resources and 12.5 'Chaser' resources per second, and 3 'Flowerfly' fly-in per second.

Soul Imprint State Effect Stats Upgrade: HP +6923, Physical Attack +6153, Physical Defense +1076, Magic Defense +1384

During the Imprint state, upgrade basic attacks to Sword energy attacks that deal skill damage for 215% of magic attacks over 5 times.

Body Core Open,
Inherent Trait Open
Harpe-SB-Shining Lotus Flower
Lotus Petal Volley
[Passive Effect]
Depending on the number of 'Flowerfly', reduce skill damage that Harpe takes by 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/3% per 'Flowerfly'. This effect cannot be removed by enemies.

(Max: 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%)

[Active Effect]
In the designated direction, launch a large amount of Sword energy to push back enemies and deal AoE damage for 480%/609%/638%/667%/696% of magic attack. 4 'Flowerfly' flies toward the furthest enemy in range. 5 'Flowerfly' also flies towards where the Sword energy lands. After using this skill, it can be reused 1 time within 7 seconds without consuming SP.

Harpe-SB-Radiant Scent
Intensifying Aroma
[Passive Effect]
Spawn a 'Flowerfly' with a 40% chance upon defeating an enemy.

[Active Effect]
In the designated location, bloom numerous Sword Lotus to deal AoE damage for 486%/510.6%/534.6%/558.6%/583.2% of magic damage. Explode 'Flowerfly' at the same time to deal AoE damage for 460% of magic damage (PvP: 552%). Enemies damaged by explosions from 'Intensifying Aroma' faint for 2 seconds. Every time the enemy removes the faint debuff, reduce the 'Intensifying Aroma' cooldown by a second, and an additional 'Flowerfly' flies in.

Soul Core Open,
Inherent Trait Open
ChaserSkill-Flying Phoenix-Hyper
Wings of the Soaring Phoenix
[Passive Effect]
When Harpe deals damage to 'Ruin' Attribute enemy Heroes, cause 2 'Flowerfly' to fly toward an enemy with high attack.

(3-second cooldown)

[Active Effect]
After using 'Wings of the Soaring Phoenix', launch huge additional Sword energies to deal AoE damage for 2,343%/2,460%/2,577.3%/2,694.3%/2,811.6% of magic attack, and stun enemies hit for 2 seconds. Every time the enemy removes the stun effect by purifying effects, the 'Intensifying Aroma' cooldown is reduced by a second, and an additional 'Flowerfly' flies in towards enemies. If the Sword energy deals damage to more than 5 enemies, also gain 20/30/40/50/60 'Chaser' skill resources.


5★ 6★ Breakthrough Soul Imprint
Attendant Harpe Escort Warrior Harpe General-in-Chief Harpe Lord of Prosperity Harpe
Base Material-Evolutionx50 Transcendence +3 Unlock all Soul Imprint traits


  • Virudhaka is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism and is known as the Guardian of the Southern Direction.
  • Wraith Reaper is based on the Korean sword, saingeom. In real life, it is a type of Joseon-era sword made of soft iron, primarily kept for ritualistic reasons. In Korean mythology, it is known to chase away monsters and evil spirits.[1]
    • Wraith Reaper is the first Exclusive Equipment that depicts the weapon based on the character's Soul Imprint avatar.
  • Despite being pretty much the same artwork, Harpe's character portrait used for his basic form has a slightly different facial profile from the version that initially appears in the dialogues of the story.
  • Captain is Edel's 1st job in the original game.


Main article: Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser/Gallery





  • "I am Harpe Noir, the one who will always be loyal to you!"
  • "I, Harpe Noir, will try my best to live up to your expectations."
  • "You want to know how intelligence officers work? I'm sorry to say that I have little recollection of it…"
  • "As long as my name is Harpe Noir, I will always have my duty."
  • "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of letting go of these memories. They belong to me."
  • "It's not perfect but... this is good enough."
  • "It would be a lie to say I have no attachment to the past."
  • "I will focus on the present. Is that not enough?"
  • "『Memories from life are naught but burdens and regrets.』 That may be true. However..."
  • "When will I see you again..."
  • "I don't want to hold you back again."
  • "Go. But don't come back too early."
  • "I am sorry... I just cannot remember."
  • "Hang on. We're almost there for that cold, sweet parfait."
  • "I see you're not a morning person. Now, open your eyes."
  • "It's important to look after state affairs, but you should take care of your body first, all right?"
  • "It's just some knowledge I've picked up along the way."
  • "Don't worry. I am right behind you."
  • "It's an honor to wield my Sword for you."
  • "The stares I'm getting from them? It's fine. I don't mind."
  • "I would rather take my life with my own hands than become bait…!"
  • "Cease this behavior at once, you are in front of Her Highness!"
  • "Go! Get a hold of yourself, Ronan!!"
  • "Do not forget. All schemes will come to an end, and all crimes will meet punishment."
  • "I will have no more regrets!"
  • "I don't care what you say to me, but I will not tolerate your transgressions against Her Highness!"
  • "Y, you know me?"
  • "I didn't think it was possible for Haros of the Underworld to have such secular thoughts…"
  • "You were waiting for me in the realm of life? I… had no idea."
  • "Did I do something wrong...?"
  • "I... did that? Please don't make this up because I can't remember… Really?"
  • "I will pretend I didn't hear that."
  • "It's no use. She will be the one to judge."
  • "Please mind your manners."
  • "I will remember this fondly. But, someday…"
  • "This memory, my memories…"
  • "What have I done...? Uugh!"
  • "How, what should I do...?"
  • "Who... are you? Do you know me?"
  • "Stop, don't confuse me anymore!"
  • "It's too late. You've missed your chance."
  • "I don't remember very well, but I think I would have done the same if I were alive."
  • "I am just here to bring you in for your crime. She will be the one to sentence you."
  • "I recommend… You don't do anything foolish."
  • "One day, this place may also be covered in lush greens."
  • "It would be my pleasure to wait for the Young Master to return and tell tales of his adventures."
  • "It's not just dry winds. Close your eyes and feel the Wilderness around you."
  • "Is it okay for someone from the Underworld to exchange letters with someone alive? I feel a little guilty…"
  • "Don't live in the past, Young Master. I left you then so that you may go to your future."
  • "Both of you are precious to me. How could I choose one of you? Please don't tease me."
  • "Not a moment too soon."
  • "People are the same in the material world and in the Underworld. Haros too…"

  • "I will take the lead."
  • "Stay close."
  • "Let's follow this lead."
  • "It's been a while since I've been on the chase."

  • "Stay vigilant."
  • "I sense a foreboding omen."
  • "We must hurry."
  • "As you wish."

  • "Did you cough? How about a nice, hot cup of chrysanthemum tea to wake you up?"
  • "What would you like for lunch?"
  • "Now, that's enough work. Any more would be unhealthy."

  • "I've been waiting."
  • "Merry Christmas!"
  • "Happy New Year!"
  • "May all your New Year's resolutions come true!"

Speech balloons[]

  • "I will return."
  • "What do you think? I hope it's not too bad."
  • "I can get an Upgrade."
  • "Evolution possible."
  • "I'm ready for an Awakening."
  • "Prestige is now possible."
  • "Please select a trait."
  • "You must Transcend me."
  • "I believe I can Limit Break."
  • "You must Chaser me."
  • "You must Soul Imprint me."



Rank-SS Tier SR
ATTR-Life Elesis
ATTR-Life Lire
ATTR-Hellfire Arme
ATTR-Judgment Lass
ATTR-Judgment Ryan
ATTR-Hellfire Ronan
ATTR-Judgment Amy
ATTR-Judgment Jin
ATTR-Cycles Sieghart
ATTR-Life Mari
ATTR-Destruction Dio
ATTR-Destruction Zero
ATTR-Life Ley
ATTR-Judgment Rufus
ATTR-Cycles Rin
ATTR-Life Asin
ATTR-Cycles Lime
ATTR-Hellfire Edel
ATTR-Judgment Veigas
ATTR-Destruction Decanee
ATTR-Cycles Ai
ATTR-Hellfire Serdin
ATTR-Hellfire Kanavan
ATTR-Life Werner
ATTR-Judgment Arsad
ATTR-Life Gaian
ATTR-Life Grandiel
ATTR-Destruction Nelia
ATTR-Hellfire Io
ATTR-Destruction Hwarin
ATTR-Cycles Europa
ATTR-Life Tia
ATTR-Life Lapis
ATTR-Cycles Harpe
ATTR-Life Callisto
ATTR-Hellfire Cindy
ATTR-Cycles Ragnar
ATTR-Cycles Myst
ATTR-Hellfire Ganymede
ATTR-Hellfire Sol
ATTR-Life Mayden
ATTR-Hellfire Elesis
ATTR-Destruction Bastet
ATTR-Life Bram